In Pictures: P.K.14 (School Bar 27.05.2016)


Wall to wall action at School Bar late last May as post punk veterans P.K.14 took the stage and gave a rousing, enthralled performance that left nothing to the imagination and left most of us in the pit a sweaty mess. Pounds were shed, toes bleed (note to self: stop wearing sandals every night out), and emotions were high. Yang Haisong and company haven’t lost a iota of their spirit, as they torn through old classics and even a few new numbers which I’m certain we’ll be seeing soon enough. And while I made the wise decision to leave my DSLR camera at home, my old school Sony Zoom was able to capture some of the fun and hysteria on display that night. But for the most part this was on of those shows were you just had to let give in the to fire within. Enjoy!















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