Futuristic techno and bombastic post rock from the streets of Shanghai, soulful indie rock melodies from one of Beijing’s uncovered gems, and breezy shoegaze pop from the shores of Xiamen – we’re back with our latest batch of new releases to wrap your ears around including the latest from MHP, Mofei, 16 mins, and The White Tulips.
DIY rock label Qiii Snacks Records out of Guangzhou, continues their roll with their latest offering – a freshly baked EP from Xiamen shoegazers The White Tulips. Entitled Shonen SPA, the 5-track EP finds the band expanding (and polishing) their sound even further by picking up the pace, adding in a little surf rock flavoring, and even throwing in a little sax and synth into the mix. It’s a buoyant musical landscape the band is trending here, one that’s laid back yet melodically inclined to get you bopping your head, and I’m digging it every which way. Bandcamp it up.
One of Beijing’s hidden gems, 16 mins, return with their latest piece of genre-playing soulful indie rock on the EP Ping-Pong. More narratively bounded than the band’s previous releases, and with the addition of a new drummer whose jazzy rhythm is prominent throughout the five track EP, the band is in fine form here, seamlessly blending sultry cabaret compositions with a more contemporary indie pop slyness that’s bare bones in its approach but remarkably more complex upon repeated listens. There’s a melancholic bone in the band’s music that sneaks up on you and doesn’t quite let go. Give it spin on xiami.
Described by some of the ‘son of Shanghai techno’, electronic artist and producer MHP certainly has a lot to live up to on his debut, Folding Traces, out now on D-Force Records. Emerging from an array of influences including the Detroit scene as well as science fiction film and anime (Blade Runner looms largely throughout), Ma Haiping delivers a kinetic, glitzy, futuristic soundscape that’s layered to a tee and light on its feet. And while it goes down a bit too smoothly and loses its human element as the album dances along, there’s a lot to admire in MHP’s sensibility. Turn up the bass and dive into it over on xiami/douban/iTunes.
Post rock just can’t be quit here in China. Along with shoegaze, it’s a genre that finds love in every corner of the country. Shanghai based outfit Mofei, have been kicking around for several years already but not until earlier this summer did the band get around to releasing their debut, 5:45, which I suppose is the time where one must decide whether to give in to the sandman once and for all or blaze recklessly forward into the next day. Upon first listen, I’d wager it’s the latter as Mofei seems to find more solace in the rollicking highs than the fleeting lows. And while there’s nothing particularly groundbreaking on display here, there’s an undeniable gusto and humanity within the band and their compositions that will surely get any post rock affectionate out there banging their head in unison. Douban/xiami.
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