Poetry in Shorts 短裤里的诗歌 – Unneutral 绝不中立
A whiskey-soaked swirl of psych rock, jazz, and pub rock balladry, Shanghai’s Poetry in Shorts lay it all out there and then some on their dynamic new LP. There are pieces of Queen in there, bits of The Libertines – a collage of flavors told through a distinctive voice – one coated in top-notch lyricism and catchy melodies that hook you in despite their elasticity. There’s a playful nature to the overlapping vocal duties of its members as well as to how the arrangements unfold – injecting some psych rock rowdiness and free jazz aplomb wherever they see fit. It’s a well-rounded, even at times graceful, sound that has a bit of something for both classic rock and roll enthusiasts and indie rock newcomers.
上海乐队短裤里的诗歌的新专辑就像一杯混合威士忌,里面参入了迷幻摇滚,爵士,酒吧摇滚,和他们的活力。新专辑用着独特的嗓音讲述着各种不同的风味:可以发现一些 Queen 的影子,也能找到 The Libertines 的痕迹,歌曲中有着一流的抒情和朗朗上口的旋律,尽管弹性十足但还是让人着迷。乐队成员相互重叠的声音有一种有趣的天性,他们编曲的方式也是如此:在认为合适的地方注入一些迷幻摇滚的喧嚣或是自由爵士的泰然自若。这是全面的,有时显得十分优雅的声音,对于经典摇滚的爱好者和独立摇滚的新爱好者都是不错的选择。
- https://music.163.com/#/album?id=129990756
- https://open.spotify.com/album/1HM80NPsY5v9jsSPvuzrL6

Pet Conspiracy 宠物同谋 – Flower By Flower
It’s been a solid ten years since electro rock darlings Pet Conspiracy, known for their brass, ludicrous and propulsive sound and constantly revolving lineup, released an album. And while tastes have certainly changed over the years, there’s something undeniable about the group’s bombastic brand of electroclash, which gets a touch-up courtesy of the Italian producers Armen Simonpour and Mattia Cecchetto (of Beijing band Titan) who deftly blend in elements of R&B, dubstep, funk, EDM and even folk rock. The kind of music that seems tailor-made to kick start a party, Pet Conspiracy reminds listeners it’s ok to let your guard down and hit the dance floor with reckless abandon.
电子摇滚的宠儿“宠物同谋”,以其铜管、幽默滑稽和具有推动性的声音以及不断变化的阵容而闻名,已经有整整十年没有发行专辑了。虽然这些年来口味确实发生了变化,但不可否认的是,这个团体的 electroclash 风格招牌,在意大利制作人Armen Simonpour和Mattia Cecchetto(北京乐队Titan)的帮助下得到了提升,他们巧妙地融合了R&B、dubstep、funk、EDM 甚至民谣摇滚的元素。这种音乐似乎是为启动派对而量身定做的,同谋提醒听众可以放松身心,不顾一切地进入舞池。
- https://music.163.com/#/album?id=130047579
- https://open.spotify.com/album/3fyS0y65leUjsARRVGlqoN

Naonaosi 脑脑死 – 脑脑死
Wuhan’s Naonaosi – a collision course of grindcore, hardcore, and punk that’s unhinged in the best possible way. It’s the kind of music that keeps you on your toes, throwing one curveball after another, from ember burning doomy passages to pummeling vocals at come at you like a jackhammer from its deranged and tortured frontman. The attitude, the musicianship, and the way the music feeds off the space in which it resides – it simply puts, leaves an impression. Punk music that’s volatile and deviant – Naonaosi are a fine addition the China’s more inflammable punk scene. No holds barred.

Simon Frank – So Dream It
Long-standing Beijing-based musician and producer Simon Frank brings a clammy, anxious live-wire element into his post punk industrial electronic sound on So Dream It, out on Hong Kong based electronic and experimental label Absurd TRAX. While gleefully riding the razor’s edge of acid house, the world that Frank conjures here is far from jarring – instead, finding minimalist rhythmic pleasures within its songs centered on characters ‘cracking under the pressure of a harsh urban environment’.
长驻北京的音乐家和制作人 Simon Frank 在《So Dream It》的后朋克工业电子之声中带来了一种粘稠的、焦虑的元素,这张专辑在香港的电子、实验厂牌 Absurd TRAX 发行。Frank 愉快地在 acid house 边缘游走时,他所创造的世界并不刺耳,相反,他在以 “在严酷的城市环境压力下崩溃 “的人物为中心的歌曲中,找到了极简节奏的乐趣。
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