Turtle Sound x Ming Room龟音在明室 Vol.2: Mai Mai 卖卖, Zhu Songjie 朱松杰, Slow Dragon 慢龙Duo, DYKK TRIO @ Ming Room 明室 2020.08.01

Just had to make my way back to Ming Room明室 – the library,space,store,and/or archive stationed by the ever-wonderful Xie Wang 谢旺. Seriously good vibes from this room which seems to grow in clutter (I mean treasure) every time I see it. Once again, patient audience members piled into the room finding space in every nook and cranny – from bookshelves to the floor. It’s tight, it’s intimate, and the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of Saturday afternoon (and that heat!).

Once again, an assortment of offbeat characters and sound explorers took that stage, including Mai Mai 卖卖 have a hell of a time with some feedback – turning drones into a meditative practice.

Guitar experimentalist Zhu Songjie 朱松杰 returned with another evocative, playful and nimble set. Mai Mai returned to the stage with none other than his son (and protege I can only imagine) as 慢龙 DUO – armed with wind instrumentals and a pimped out tuning forking box.

Closing out the session his the wildly satisfying impromptu trio DYKK TRIO, reminding me how gnarly and unpredictably fun free jazz can be when it wants to be.

Be sure to add Ming Room’s WeChat (iceturtleforgood) for further events in the next month. Truly worth popping in.
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