Your editor here received the Christmas gift of having his parent’s in town for the holidays so when I immediately heard that I set out to set up a show at none other than where I had my wedding – DDC! Nostalgia aside, DDC is the perfect locale for parents, particularly one who’s about to hit eighty come next week. So after some Yunnanese spiciness, the rentals set forth and took in the eclectic group of sounds. First up – Backspace. I can tell these are gonna be a new favorite of mine. Modest in their approach, but with a hefty amount of danger and menace just below the surface. Rockabilly riffs, post punk grooves, and plenty of melodic albeit noisy indie rock jams – really enjoying what they’re bringing to the table. Papa Griff’s take: they look young. Next up – SNSOS. What can I say – these guys have dug deep in the past six months and have completely surpassed anyone’s expectations.
Simply put, there aren’t enough bands like this in town. Papa Griff’s take: so every band member is doing their own thing? Smack in the middle was perhaps my favorite duo of the year – december3am – who once again was able to silence the crowd with their beautifully rendered use of sound – you can just about feel each sound’s impact. Papa Griff’s take: approves. Now it was time to get rowdy – OOC – fronted by Cheng Chen – whose voice is pure adulterated rock and roll – they brought the hard rock kids out of the woodwork and it was a blast watching these beasts work the crowd. Papa’s Girff take: catching shut eye like a champ. And last but not least, The Glamour Manifesto – which consists of my ol roomie and an Italian mod squad bringing some industrial-style, head banging, electro rock to the surly remaining audiences. Papa Griff’s take: passed out cold in my bed back at home. He hung in there like a trooper though. Nothing but love to all the folks who came out and the bands who threw on a spectacular show. Hell of a way to kick off the holiday season.
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