One man walk, the music attitude of embracing the world
Two men talk, challenge the changes on music exploration
Get them all, a joyride of muse into the space of imagination
Right after the just completed 2015 Wind Grass Sound Europe Tour, Tulegur quickly switches to busy rehearsal mode to prepare for the upcoming release party of the new EP “Wind Grass Sound”. Gangzi finally moved on from being a solo artist and bounded with the likewise artistic virtuoso Zongcan, the joint forces of this productive duo shines with sparks of creativity like never before. And on the said Europe tour they gained so much it brought their musicianship and stage performance onto another level. Yet they don\’t stop at what all has been achieved, so this time they want to go play big. So they will invite all their “foes” onto stage to challenge more of what’s all possible. So what will it be? We will see at the show.
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