来自以色列的电子放克乐队Shtuby深受Funk/Jazz/Groove的多重影响,他们持续活跃在世界电子音乐舞台,并且激情无限,现场乐器组合丰 富,从而制造了一个独特诱人的现场体验。Shtuby不轻易掉入音乐风格的框架套路中,他们藉由吉他/键盘/贝斯/鼓/笛子/打击乐/单簧管/合成器/特 雷鸣琴等无数现场乐器以及梦幻奇异的歌词,某种意义上,这是个编织庞大的乐团。在这基础框架上,他们忠于自由创造,现场的每时每刻都是即兴的灵感创造,也 是独一无二的感官体验,更是一场疯狂的派对。
Influenced by Funk, Jazz and Groove mixed with Electronic music, Shtuby is constantly active in the world of electronic music technology with a great passion to live instruments, thus creating a unique hypnotizing show. Shtuby avoides being captured under specific musical style or genre, together with a band he starts a journey that some times feels like multiplayer concert and at times like a wild party. Shtuby combines many musical instruments in to this set, such as Theremin, Clarinet, Synths, Percussion, and a full band comprises Drums, Flute, Bass, Keytar and it all gets colored with bizarre texts.
Loyal to the freedom of creativity, the whole show is created in real time, what makes every show a new unique experience!
50/60 RMB
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