Sally Can\’t Dance Festival w/ Martijn Tellinga​ (NL), Wang Xu + Josh Feola, Xu Cheng, Yan Jun, Yin Yi, Yan Yulong + Zhang Shouwang

The 5th Sally Can’t Dance avant-garde music festival will take place on Saturday and Sunday, November 7-8 at School Bar in Beijing. Like the 4th edition, which was held in Spring 2012 at the then-unnamed space that eventually became XP, this year’s Sally Can’t Dance Festival is co-organized by Zhu Wenbo (Zoomin’ Night) and Josh Feola (pangbianr).
Unlike in past years, the focus for this year’s Sally Can’t Dance festival is not on individual artists or bands, not on improvisation, but on composers, and ensembles playing according to their compositions.
Of course the concept of “composition” and “composer” that we’re using is very loose. Each day will feature 6 original works, performed in different spaces within School Bar, composed by individuals at the bleeding edge of China’s experimental music vanguard.
date: Saturday & Sunday, November 7-8, 2015
time: 4-7pm (early session) + 9pm-midnight (late session)
place: School Bar (53 Wudaoying Hutong, near Andingmen subway stop)
ticket: 100rmb per day
劉韋志 Liu Wei-Chih (Taiwan)
卖卖 MAI MAI (Shanghai)
Torturing Nurse (Shanghai)
闫玉龙 Yan Yulong
张守望 Zhang Shouwang
照骏园 Jun-Y Ciao (Shanghai)
Martijn Tellinga​ (NL)
王旭 Wang Xu + Josh Feola
徐程 Xu Cheng (Shanghai)
颜峻 Yan Jun
殷漪 Yin Yi (Shanghai)
闫玉龙 Yan Yulong
张守望 Zhang Shouwang

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