Alright, been out of the game for some time due to trains, planes, and automobiles but ready to jump back on that high horse this weekend. Nothing like a little heat, some tunes, and body odor to get you through these next few days.
Queen Sea Big Shark have been busy bees this year – the revered electro rockers just completed a 21 city tour across China – quite the feat, considering that a QSBS show is a showcase like none other – costume changes, eccentric stage designs – the bands uses everything at its disposal. And lead singer Fu Han, well she simply demands your attention – tonight the band will give it their all at Yugong Yishan. The progressive jamtastic rockers, The Amazing Insurance Salesmen, who also happen to be some of the sharpest musicians in town are bringing their jam fest back to the heart of Gulou – Temple for a night of finger picking, rowdy fun. Light these scrappy little trouble makers fires’ over at XP – The Bedstars, The Flyx, Little Fast Hand, and Syringe. Trance-inducing badassey courtesy of WHAI over at the intimate Blue Stream Bar along with indie rock group Self-Portrait – quite the strange team up. Power to the ladies over at School – where a slew of female-led bands take the stage including Girl Kill Girls, LifeTest, Miss Mix, Cake Bomb, and Purple Will. Post rock group out of Hong Kong tfvsjs are joined by some of our own heavy hitters Grinding Ear and Illness Sickness. Finally, Jurat and Ismat swing by the Hot Cat Club for some Xinjiang flavored rock, funk , and more, while The Intrepid Adventurers find trouble over at Jianghu Bar.
Visiting Dalian bands – noise rockers Doc Talk Shock and indie kids Which Park – are looking to strut their stuff over at XP tonight where they are joined by Mr. Graceless, cute Beatles-esque rockers who write ridiculously catchy ditties ( Josh wrote a nice jingle on them earlier this week as well as an interview with Doc Talk Shock). Looks like my metal itch is back and Ego Fall might just be the hit I’m looking for – Mongolian-infused metalcore – at once both badass and eloquent. Tonight sees the release party for their third album Duguilang at Mao Livehouse. We all know Hot Cat Club has a shitty rep – however, with a show like tonight, low-key in appearance, a bit schizoid, but full of under the radar talent – with experimental noise all-chick rockers Girl Kill Girls (lead by Gia of Hang on the Box fame), electronica wizard with pipa-fetish thruoutin, and ex-Rustic frontman ‘now let’s play some endearing chinese easy-going rock’ Li Yan – they might just get my ass over to Fangjia Hutong. Tiger Beer, who throw money around this town like it’s nothing (as long as you paint it blue) are hosting yet again another year of Tiger Translate Battle of the Bands, and tonights’ the final round at Yugong Yishan – special guest are Residence A and The Life Journey (double yay!) and if you text “I Want Tickets” to 135-2287-9900 you can catch that show for free – not too shabby. Another strange combo at the Blue Stream Bar, new wave rockers Perpetual Motion Machine square off with The Beijing Banditos, who if you must know, play all your favorite country classics in Chinese – okkayyyy. For something more pristine, I’d head to Mako Livehouse to catch Zhang Qianqian, the singer-songwriter who has been compared to Joni Mitchell, or to School where Song Dongye will serenade audiences with folk ballads. Lastly, Aussie indie rockers The Royales who will be joined by Not There at Temple for some jolly ol’ shenanigans.
Experimental animator Chai Mi is back with her latest animated short film, “Second-Hand” – which takes abstract patterns from used, \’90s-edition books picked up by the artist over the past few years in a colleague of madness and wonderment – or so I think. thruotuin will be on scoring details – before that the \’The Sparrow & the Raven\’, which I caught a few weeks back will be scored by knowledge, another talented electronica maverick. Bring your goodies. Free punk mayhem over at School – the best kind of mayhem mind you – with Hell City, The Flyx, Trash Cats, and D Crash taking turns tearing shit up. Catch the Pumi Minority out of Yunnan perfrom at Jianghu Bar. And finally, blues and jazz get intimate over at Blue Stream Bar with Mizang and at 69 Café with Wang Jia’ni.
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