Merry Christmas!! Hope everyone’s having a splendid holiday. Nothing screams Christmas spirit then having armed forces in Sanlitun protecting us foreigners from perhaps crazed misguided vigilant forces. Spread the joy! Well, I don’t know about you but there’s only one place I feel safer. Two feet away from blaring, clearly unsupervised, speakers. Coat me with your beautiful acoustic trauma. Here’s your weekend update.
Nova Heart, South Acid Mimi Dance Team, Shao at Yugong Yishan
Fake Love Music throw a Christmas bash featuring the label’s reigning star Nova Heart alongside new labelmates South Acid Mimi Dance Team out of Kunming, whom I’ve only heard wild things about, and Shao (formerly Dead J) of electronic royalty (he’s even bringing his entourage). Heavy hitters and big sounds — not a bad way to kick off the weekend. 120 RMB
Queen Sea Big Shark at Modernsky Lab
The second night of seminal electro rock outfit Queen Sea Big Shark’s super duper bash. One of the bands that still manages to surprise me, QSBS always throw a hell of show. Bubbles, wardrobe changes, and a set design straight from funhouse, if you’re looking to bask in the vibrant pop and get your freak on this is the place to be. 120 RMB
Dr. Liu and the Human Centipede, The Diders, LaiSee at School
Converse continues their reign of terror at School – throwing some truly righteous (and free) showcases at the Wudaoying staple. Tonight brings out house band Dr. Liu & the Human Centipede, whose punk hardcore tomfoolery is always a blast of adrenaline. They’re joined by two of the punk scene’s most kinetic outfits, Laisee and The Diders. FREE
Whai, Girl Kill Girl, Elenore, Miss Mix, Bye Bye Noise, Click#15 at Mao Livehouse
Mao Livehouse lives on with another full-blooded lineup of old favorites and new comers including the art rock side project of Gia, Girl Kill Girls, the always dependable WHAI, as well as brit rockers Elenore, Bye Bye Noise, as well as indie pop flavorings of Miss Mix and Click #15. 120 RMB
Manu Louis (BE), Gum Bleed, Last Stand Doer at Temple
One-man electro cabaret from Belgium keeps the spirits high before seminal punk band Gum Bleed look to tear the roof off, alongside Led Zeppliny outfit Last Stand Doer. FREE
Anuar Kaldekhan at Caravan
Anuar Kaldekhan (Ex-IZ Band, Alakhan), is an indie musician of Kazakh heritage, established his band in Urumchi in 2012. Using the foundation of traditional Kazakh folk music, Kaldekhan explores new Kazakh music with a contemporary sound. Catch at Moroccan restaurant Caravan. FREE
Zhang Shouwang, YZG at 69 Café
Carsick Cars/White + frontman joins Xi’an based electronica ambient musician (of keemo and System Error collective) for some offbeat arranging. 60 RMB
Mr. Honey, Magic Mama, Brozzers at Mako Livehouse
Celebrate Xmas with these high spirited indie poppers including Mr. Honey, Magic Mama, Brozzers, and a shit ton of DJs to make sure you don’t feel too out of place in Gongti. 130 RMB
Horse Radio, Perpetual Motion Machine at Temple
Alright got one more show for you cats before LBM says farewell to the year. Rookies of the year Inner Mongolian champs Horse Radio look to turn Temple into a wondrous cheerfest alongside veteran indie rockers Perpetual Motion Machine. Best break out that horsewhip cause it’s gonna be a frenzy. FREE
Soundtoy at Yugong Yishan
One of the bigger pulls in China, Soundtoy, founded in 1999 in Sichuan, by Ou Jiayuan, and now based in Chengdu, has become one of the most influential bands in the Chinese rock music scene during the last decade, reaching almost iconic status in many circles and it’s easy to see why. Rich storytelling, multi-layered instrumentation, and rife with emotional melodies that soar, the band presents latest indie pop opus, Midas Touch at Yugong Yishan. 130 RMB
Dawanggang at Post Mountain Art Space
The five-piece musical and performance ensemble, called Dawanggang, fronted by self-taught musician Song Yuzhe, a nomad in the truest sense, is vast in their musical scope. International, folk, experimental rock, even modern symphony with components of Tibetan, Mongolian, and classical Chinese music – whatever name you want to throw at them, what remains is that they’re one of the most singular world music outfits out there – they hit up MOMA’s Post Mountain Art Space as a part of their China tour. 150 RMB
Gatsby in a Daze, Wogui de Huoche, Early Birds at Modernsky Lab
After the first successful Shanghai bands show, Maybe Mars will invite three Hangzhou bands come to Beijing. They are: Early Birds (饿力爆), Gatsby In a Daze (晕盖), Wogui de Huoche (卧轨的火车). Young and fresh sound that represents the Hangzhou indie music scene in nowadays. Not only Beijing have all the good bands! 80 RMB
Bastards of Imperialism, Final Impact, Maoxuewang, Skin Bad at the Old What? Bar
Catch the Bastards of Imperialism tear up a storm over at dive hole The Old What? alongside friends Final Impact, Skin Bad, and – a ‘fresh card that hasn\’t been booked to death a million times around town, and a FREE show’. There you have it. FREE
Broken Thoughts Duo at 69 Café
Ambient electronic duo made up of acclaimed Yunnan musicians (of Even Less, Bloody Woods, Ocean Walker, and more) bring their multi-media show to 69 Café. 60 RMB
Twinkle Star, 0190, Heartland, Battle Joe Joe, The First Medal, Summer Sunshine, Fang Mianr at School
Local promoters Fan Zui Tuan Huo has been a player in the Beijing punk rock scene for the past years – help them celebrate with eclectic lineup featuring the band of New Pants bassist (Twinkle Star) to hardcore (Fang Mianr) to pop-punk (0190) to folky punk (Heartland) to power-pop (The First Medal) and more. 80 RMB (50 RMB girls)
Ephemerality, Nower, Xuji, Chuge, Huapi at Mao Livehouse
Industrial metal, gothic metal – all shades of black metal — you know what you’re gonna get when you hit up a metal night at Mao. Bring your head banger face as Ephemerality, Nower, and more perform. 90 RMB

White +, Alpine Decline, Dee x Noise Arcade, PZ & Shen Zhi at 69 Café
A killer Sunday afternoon lineup finds live electronica trio White + performing alongside the modular synth version of Alpine Decline, and Dee Sheng and Noise Arcade. Rounding out the lineup is PZ & Shen Zhi, of Wogui de Huoche and Gatsby in a Daze, likely getting their freak on. 50 RMB
Bian Yuan, Zhang Qianqian, Liu Donghong at 69 Café
Later that evening at 69 Café, Mushroom Festival represents folk faves Zhang Qianqian, Bian Yuan, and Liu Donghong. 70 RMB
Me Guan Me, Solaris, Dawenxi, Auburn, Big Pink at Mao Livehouse
Mao Livehouse gets rocking with some top-notch talent looking to rock out on this particular Sunday evening. 80 RMB
Yanchi, Yuyang, The Paramecia, Chenhongyu, Boss & Drinkers at DDC
It\’s an evening full of indie folk music from a bunch of players to watch out for in 2016, including pristine indie folk singer Yanchi and The Paramecia. 120 RMB
D-Crash, Hell City, The Demonstrators at School
Come celebrate with Beijing\’s own d-beat hardcore crust punk rockers D-Crash as release their new album We Abhor the War on this fine evening along with some punks friends of theirs. 50 RMB
Sky, Self Protrait, High Myopia, Antu, The Pisces at Yugong Yishan
Someone’s releasing a new album! Not sure whom but my guess is they play some version of melodic high school crush Britpop. Only one way to find out. 80 RMB
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