既然冬天已经带来了一点凉意,Live China Music和育音堂将给躲避冬寒或者冬郁的人准备一个避难所。本周末的“冬季避难所”是Live China Music最新发起的冬季主题演出,有几只独立音乐界最活跃兴奋的的新生乐队要把你烤热乎。从南京赶来的新晋盯鞋自赏乐队Soft Pink,今年带着同名EP在音乐现场崭露头角,这张EP同时致敬Pink Floyd的迷幻漩涡和当下的混响梦幻流行乐队们。期待他们来年能弄更多声响出来。同时还有上海的Flying Games 飞行游戏,将赤忱的新意融入独立噪音摇滚,在洗脑旋律中填满爆炸的演奏和情绪——不愧是上海最实在靠谱的乐队之一。压轴的是不断进化的emo punk乐队En Route, 2011年成立至今他们的音乐一直为观众所惊骇——一针大剂量流行朋克和后摇滚的狠药,狠狠打进emo之心。摇滚乐冲走冬季抑郁布鲁斯!这个冬天,来冬季避难所看演出,比喝热水管用。
As the weather turns brisk and winter sets in here, Live China Music and Yuyintang look to give refuge to those looking to escape the cold and not go into emotional hibernation. Winter Refuge is the latest season-themed showcase from the local promoters Live China Music and they’re giving the stage to some of the indie scene’s most spry and exciting young bands each looking to keep you toasty this weekend. Making the trip from Nanjing, are up and coming shoegaze act Soft Pink, who burst onto the scene earlier this summer with their magnetic self-titled EP, which pays equal tribute to the psychedelic swirl of Pink Floyd as it does to the reverb-soaked dream pop bands of our youth. Expect them to make quite a bit of noise in the coming year. Shanghai’s Flying Games 飞行游戏, meanwhile, bring sincere ingenuity to their noise rock indie sound – filling their irresistible melodies with dynamic instrumentation and angst-ridden emo aplomb – they’re one of our city’s most dependable bands for a reason. Rounding out the bill are the constantly evolving emo punk band En Route, who despite forming in 2011, continue to surprise audiences with their music, not afraid to inject it’s bleeding emo heart with hefty dosages of pop punk theatrics and post rock crescendos. Rock and roll that’ll melt away those winter blues – Winter Refuge is the equivalent to a hot glass of water this season.
LiveChinaMusic presents Winter Refuge 避寒
Date 时间: 11月29日 20:30pm
Line Up 阵容
Flying Games 飞行游戏
Soft Pink
En Route
ADD地址 Yuyintang 育音堂 (凯旋店)
TICKETS 扫码购票: Presale 预售 66 / Door 现场 88

飞行游戏 Flying Games
四个来自F.RD的不万能亲年 在一个chill且吸着音乐的夜晚密谋而成的乐队 他们搅拌了噪音,迷幻和迅猛,疯狂成瘾着
Shanghai’s The Flying Game bring their rounded indie rock sound to the masses on their effective debut. Plenty of the staple indie rock motifs are there – descending bass lines, angsty reflective vocals, and melodic guitar dissonance. But it never feels tired or false – for all it’s schmaltz and pop pizazz, there’s a lot of dynamism in their arrangements and the instrumental chops they’re are built on top of. It never goes for the easy kill – they put the work in and it shows, offering one catchy melodic indie rock jam after another.

Soft Pink成立于2019年,由散落在南京角落的几位音乐爱好者组成。乐队成员为Keyboard/Vocal超超、Guitar/Vocal鸿瑾、Bass/Vocal盘盘子和Drum李文。2020年7月Soft Pink将发布同名EP ,风格自定义为伪盯鞋。乐队名拆自 Soft Machine与Pink Floyd,致敬Syd Barrett以及那个时代的迷幻之声。噪音早已不流行了,我们还能期待什么。那些美丽的音墙,伴随夏日的微风,将年少时的迷惘,一次次折叠、包裹。
Up and coming Nanjing shoegaze act Soft Pink, burst onto the scene earlier this summer with their magnetic self-titled EP, which pays equal tribute to the psychedelic swirl of Pink Floyd as it does to the reverb-soaked dream pop bands of our youth.

En Route
结成于2011年底的上海原创Indie/Emo乐队,En Route的音乐代表着每位乐手各自心灵的映照,从排练的动机,到框架的组建,直至最后完成,抓牢每一刻将我们的灵魂注入是EN ROUTE最大的特色。乐队名字EN ROUTE(音标in’ru:t)来源于法语,本意是航空术语中的在途中的意思。代表着EN ROUTE的成员们在音乐的道路上不断探索,不断挑战自身,不断历练的一个过程。乐队风格以Indie为基准,融合了后摇/EMO/PUNK元素在内。
The indie emo band of Shanghai, despite forming at the end of 2011, has continue to surprise audiences with their music – a fusion of punk, emo and indie rock – not afraid to inject it’s bleeding emo heart with hefty dosages of pop punk theatrics and post rock crescendos.
About LiveChinaMusic
LiveChinaMusic (wechat: liveCNmusic) is a platform dedicated to China’s evolving underground music scene – besides posting videos and pictures of the countless shows I’ve stumbled into, we cover everything from new releases to music videos (and even made a few ourselves). We started throwing up a weekly mixtape, conducting interviews, and venturing to other music scenes around China. And of course, organize shows whenever we feel ambitious or stupid.
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