Summer brings out the crazy in people; some days it feels like if the temperature rises one more degree everyone will snap.
In animals, overheating causes some neurons to become more excitable, which might underlie the psychiatric effects. In humans, overheating can lead to confusion and irritability to hallucinations, barbaric behavior, and delirium.
LiveChinaMusic looks to capture the mental breakdown of the dog days of summer with an unhinged, mind-altering night of music at ALL featuring acts with a penchant for going off the beaten path – following their own muse to new cosmic planes.

Psych rock world music shapeshifters Ksitigarbha, who delight in deconstructing and pushing their sound into whatever gleeful direction they choose, head back into electronic territory for the night – an exploration into experimental sounds and the nightclub spirit.

From Beijing, DJ Loooongish Cat makes his Shanghai debut – offering up a fever dream of techno and house that manically blends in cassette tapes, Gameboy sounds, and Buddha machines over evolving beats in Ableton Live – warping, bending, and looping these found sounds to transform them into ethereal otherworldly tones in pursuit of happy sonic accidents.
来自北京的DJ Loooongish Cat将带来他在上海的首次亮相–他将在Ableton Live中疯狂的将techno和house节拍与磁带、GAMEBOY的声音和唱佛机的节奏相互混合——并扭曲、循环这些声音,把它们转换成另一个世界的空灵音调,制造一场追求快乐声音的事故。

Multidisciplinary Yukes takes his contemporary blend of East & West to exciting new places as he outfits his guzheng with synthesizers, stompboxes, groove machines, and more, over soul-bearing lyrics – an auditory feast that’ll have you hypnotized.

Finally, Shanghai dance floor mainstay Ankar Arken, known for his invigorating deep psychedelic techno and live sets that use everything from ancient instruments to modular synthesizers, will be giving an ethereal ambient set full of trippy groovy drones.
最后,上海舞池的主力军Ankar Arken,以其令人振奋的deep psychedelic techno和使用从古代乐器到模块化合成器的现场表演而闻名,他将带来一场空灵的氛围表演,充满了迷幻律动感的drones。

Ksitigarbha 地藏
地藏Kṣitigarbha ,混沌觉是乐队
Ta det lugnt~หนีห่าว ราเต็มห้อง
鼓手 – Kavin/长笛 – Lulu/合成器 – Damian
地藏Kṣitigarbha is the bodhisattva of the Great Vow – A vow not to achieve buddhahood until all hells are emptied.
Dizang [地藏Kṣitigarbha] formed in 2019. The Shanghai based quartet explore progressive rock, experimental sounds, ethnic music, and whatever comes to mind/heart.

Loooongish Cat
Looooooongish Cat是一只机器人猫(有点长),最初是一个邪恶的科学家为了毁灭人类而建造的。然而,在这条线上的某个地方,Looooooongish Cat变得有了自我意识,并决定在Ableton现场制作电子音乐节拍,并收集科学家收集的各种盒式磁带。在拍摄了三周后,这只猫觉得做所有的混音和现场布景太重要了,错过了宝贵的睡眠时间,所以它就用英国出生的艺术家Dann Gaymer(《鬼鬼祟祟》、《Nekroma》、《The Slow Blade》、《Shining Dimensions》)来做所有的工作。有时loooooongish Cat也会出现在演出中,但它主要只是看着Dann试图阻止磁带播放机吃一些手工配音的黑旗汇编。
Looooooongish Cat的声音是基于电子音乐和家庭音乐,同时融合了配音、灵魂乐、嘻哈、蓝调和环境音乐。Looooooongish Cat live sets的一个关键功能是混合磁带,Gameboy声音,和Buddha机器在Ableton live的进化节拍,丢弃片段在制作或扭曲,弯曲,循环这些发现的声音转换成空灵的超凡脱世的音调,以追求快乐的声音事故。每一场演出的卡带库都是经过精心策划的,这些卡带来自十多年来在亚洲、欧洲、大洋洲的巡演,以及中国卡带厂牌87fei87、Nasty Wizard Recordings、Nugget Records、Field Ring Recordings、Daftpop Sounds等发行的唱片。两套从不相同,混合模拟遗迹和罕见的地下声音录音来自全球各地的原始制作;喵星人既顽皮又深沉。
Looooooongish Cat is an android feline (that is sort of long) originally built by an evil scientist to destroy the human race. However, somewhere along the line Looooooongish Cat became self aware and decided it preferred making techno beats in Ableton Live and sampling the scientist’s eclectic collection of cassette tapes over the top. After about three weeks of this Looooooongish Cat felt it was too important be doing all the mixing and live sets and was missing out on valuable sleeping time, so it blackmailed British born artist Dann Gaymer (Guiguisuisui, Nekroma, The Slow Blade, Shining Dimensions) into doing all the work. Sometimes Looooooongish Cat turns up to gigs, but it mostly just watches Dann try to stop the tape players from eating some hand dubbed Black Flag compilations.
The Looooooongish Cat sound has its foundation in techno and house whilst integrating dub, soul, hip hop, blues, and ambient sounds. A key feature of Looooooongish Cat live sets is mixing cassette tapes, Gameboy sounds, and Buddha machines over evolving beats in Ableton Live, dropping snippets over the productions or else warping, bending, and looping these found sounds to transform them into ethereal otherworldly tones in pursuit of happy sonic accidents. The cassette arsenal brought to each show is carefully curated from a collection amassed from a decade of tours across Asia, Europe, Oceania, along with releases from China based cassette labels 87fei87, Nasty Wizard Recordings, Nugget Records, Field Ring Recordings, Daftpop Sounds and more. Two sets are never the same, mixing analog relics and rare recordings of underground sounds from across the globe with original productions; Looooooongish Cat is simultaneously playful and deep.

作为资深声音设计师,DJ,Sound Artist,Ankar从没停下自己追求音乐的脚步,从伦敦的先锋实验音乐场景到各类展览秀场至国内各地地下俱乐部都留下了他独特的音乐痕迹,少数民族的出厂设置在基因里就映射了他对音乐的独特理解,英国生活的经历在他的音乐品味中添加了不少低音和酸性元素, 2013年至今主要研究MUSIQUE CONCRETE具象音乐以及Electroacoustic Music,2015年与当代先锋声音艺术家David Toop等人在西方声音艺术胜地RYANS BAR进行即兴表演。其作品触及自然现实与科技虚拟之间的矛盾,游走在静谧与狂暴之间,如画家般为你描绘出内心难得一窥的梦境。以live set的形式结合少数民族民族乐器给舞池输送刚硬的4/4拍科技音乐。作为dj,黑胶唱片是他的拿手好戏,他更是喜欢以超长的马拉松set与舞池互动。
As a sound designer, DJ, Sound Artist, Ankar has never stopped his practice of music, from the experimental music scene in London to various exhibitions and shows to underground clubs all over the China, he has left his unique musical traces. “The minority ethnic preset reflect his unique understanding of music in his genes. The experience of uk life has added a lot of bass and acid elements to his musical taste. He is used to combining exotic musical instruments and Hard 4/4 techno music in his live sets to communicate with the dance floor. As DJ, vinyl records are his specialty, and he prefers to interact with the dance floor with long marathon sets.

Yukes 玉刻
Guzheng-playing foreigners are a rare breed. Even rarer is stacking a guzheng with synthesizers, stompboxes, groove machines and playing it backwards. A constant experiment of an unheard guzheng style tends to steal the spotlight, right until Yukes begins singing. The lyrics instantly forego the need for any electric accompaniment, revealing his struggle with stability, uncertainty, lost tranquility and youth. A contemporary blend of East & West, Justin’s hypnotizing performance strives to reinvent the guzheng and open minds in the process.
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