LiveChinaMusic cooks up a full spread of dangerously alluring sound within the cavernous corridors of C’s for our debut showcase – aptly named Carpe Diem – to honor the brave souls who not only venture into the mouth of madness but the bands who find comfort in the neon-coated walls of the legendary venue. For their first edition, we’ve invited so of this year’s most exciting, shocking, and delectable bands who revel in rock and roll’s splendor – touching on post punk, new wave, grunge, and punk.
LiveChinaMusic 在 C’s 空旷的场地中为他们的首次演出准备了一整套危险而诱人的声音:这个系列被无比合适地命名为了 Carpe Diem ——以纪念那些不仅敢于冒险进入疯狂之口,并且在这个传奇场地的霓虹灯下得以找到安慰的乐队。在系列第一场,我们邀请了今年最激动人心、使人震惊、令人垂涎的乐队,他们完全陶醉于摇滚乐的美丽之中,从后朋、新浪潮、垃圾摇滚到和朋克。

Heading from Suzhou are Yinmachi 饮马池 (formerly Broken Knee) who have shed all remnants of their ska rock days, and instead, have dived headfirst into the high-wire crackle and the post punk world, injecting their sound with propulsive magnetism, chugging guitars, and infectious zeal. Slick, robust, and with a rhythmic pull that’s hard to turn away from. They’re fresh off their debut EP which showcases the depth of their bag of tricks.
来自苏州乐队饮马池 (前身是 Broken Knee) ,他们已经摆脱了 Ska 摇滚时期的所有残余,相反,他们一头扎进了高能爆裂的后朋世界,他们在声音中注入了动感的磁性、颤动的吉他和感染力十足的热情。顺滑的,强劲的,节奏十足的推进,其中富有有很多乐趣:从他们可怕的冲浪摇滚之中迂回(最接近于 Broken Knee 的形态)到它单调的冷潮抒情,都表面乐队具有深厚的技巧。

Joining them are the Nantong’s AIRSFX – also fresh off their devilishly fun debut EP – who bring scrappy hooliganism and beer-soaked charisma to the stage as they feverishly pogo from jagged new wave to pummeling 80s street punk with the swashbuckling energy of a band with nothing to lose – convicted in their path and the power of rock and roll.
与他们一起演出的还有南通的 AIRSFX 乐队–他们也刚刚完成了他们魔鬼般有趣的首张EP,仿佛浸入了好斗的流氓行为和啤酒的魅力中。这张专辑展示了乐队在鲁莽、放纵和狂热基础上的,不留余地的摇滚乐,它是一份紧张、扭曲和魔鬼般的颓废的大餐,给你更多启发。然而,在所有的欢快的混乱中,乐队仍然像以往一样紧密相连,让你坚信着他们的道路和摇滚乐的力量。

Meanwhile, Trash Panda have quickly become the talk of the town for annihilating stages left and right with their ‘take no prisoners’ sets of hard-hitting grunge-punk tunes ‘that put your hair in the air and your feet to the beat’. Blood, sweat, tears and shirts are expelled in the pursuit of glory.
同时,Trash Panda 已经迅速成为了城里的话题,他们以 “不留情面 “的方式,以硬派的 grunge-punk 曲调,” that put your hair in the air and your feet to the beat “,在舞台上横冲直撞。在他们追求荣誉的过程中,血、汗、眼泪和衬衫都被通通排出。

Rounding out the DIY genre-thrashers Zilu, whose candid, vivacious, and volatile punk rock is has returned with a vengeance this fall as the supergroup picked up a motley crew of Shanghai’s most fierce musicians, including members of Conch and Chick Eye. Concentrated chaos and a gut punch that just may leave you gasping for air.
在 DIY 类型的猛客中,子路乐队的直率、活泼和躁动的朋克摇滚在今年秋天复仇般地回来了,这个超级组合由了上海最凶猛的音乐家组成,包括 Conch 和 Chick Eye 的成员。将会带来最为集中的混乱,以及让你喘不过气来的肠胃冲击。
Seize the day!

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