Since last year’s Spring Fever show at DDC (which also doubled as my wedding party) LBM has been trying to get in our kicks at the venue favorite every season. And this past Qingming Festival we hit the one year mark, and presented our latest springtime collaboration, with Four Seasons Market in tow this time round for Spring Re:lapse. It was a heck of an event – two days of food, trinkets, booze, and music with a stellar collection of bands including Boiled Hippo, Cassette, Inxu, Streets Kill Strange Animals, Social Boar, Wusuozai, Me Guan Me, Children’s Cinema, Elenore, and 4 Channels Club. Check out some of the highlights!
Thanks to all the bands and everyone who came out! We couldn’t of done it without you all. Special farewells to Social Boar and Mike Fuksman, one of Beijing’s hairiest drummers, who headed back to the US, as well as frequent LBM photographer (and founder of Precis) Chris Stecher, who is now working down in the Philippines for a NGO. Gonna miss both of ya. Check out some pictures below.
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