Xiaoxiao, one of the music scene’s more vibrant characters – promoter, rebel, loon, patron, punk – celebrated her day of birth with hog wild night of dangerous sounds (and dangerous homemade moonshine to go with it) at School courtesy of rookies of the year Lonely Leary and Gate to Otherside, as well as Shanghai cutthroat punk up and comers, Dirty Fingers, whose set absolutely murdered, and proto punk veterans The Molds, a band of almost cult status (mainly for their staggered infrequent appearances) that’s been slowly reintroducing themselves to Beijing this year with a string of shows. Fresh blood meets old flesh. Old flesh sports new blood.
A rambunctious good time populated by some of the merriest pranksters about town. Hat tip to Xiaoxiao for putting together a doozy of a show and for making Thursday morning unbearable. Wouldn’t of wanted it any other way. More pics below.
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