OTS: Cat AIDS, Death Narcissists (School 18.06.2015)


Oh, where to begin Cat AIDS? Or more appropriately, where to end? Cause what once started as a experiment in testing an audiences endurance and the media\’s inherent need to prompt up any band with a new face, has indeed slowly become one of the towns most feral and ferocious outfits, tearing up a shitstorm musically and theatrically, with their strange hybrid of free jazz, doom metal, and punk rock fuckery. It\’s majestic in the least possible way, and all the better for it. Witness their prowess at School for their EP release, available now at Nasty Wizard Recordings.

And if that wasn\’t enough, punched up grunge indie rock trio The Death Narcissists continue their reign of awesomeness. Another band ready to claim that rookie of the year title. Vegetables!!










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