For my first foray into music after being bombarded with the sounds of Christmas back in the homeland (yeah they get started early back yonder), I decided to check back into the reality that is Beijing by hitting up Temple and the sweet Mongolian sounds of Tulegur, who most of you might know otherwise of Gangzi.
Now I will say this – Temple is in no way appropriate for this kind of music, especially on a Thursday night. Heck, I was even struggling to remind invested as conversation and draft beer preoccupied our minds. And really, Tulegur’s deep bountiful voice and royally awesome throat singing needs one’s utmost attention, away in a quiet venue where all ears can be turned on him. Looking at the fingers prick away at that guitar as he conjures up his own homeland is a treat.
Man’s got skill. Whatever the case, Tulegur remains a consistently engaging performer who looks like he’s just getting started – especially if the name change is any indication. Check out his soundcloud page here. Check out this pretty awesome video shot of Tulegur’s recent visit to Finland captured by Off The Record.
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