Kinda losing track of time over here people as the whole lots of you can soaking in the music back at homebase – I sneak a peek every so often at what’s going down, but it’s just too painful (did I mention that Chromatics and James Murphy are doing a free show at 798 this weekend….ahhhh!!!) – anywho last month I stumbled into Temple after some dumplings and caught Daiwah@Mui, a post hardcore group from Guangzhou who throw together everything into the blender.
I was pretty burnt out from the night before, but to honest they didn’t do it for me – too many elements, too many tempo changes – it felt at times like a poetry reading mixed up with hardcore emo – separately they might work, but hell if your gona go hardcore emo just go for the jugular, don’t pussy foot around. Yeah, there were times I found myself bopping up and down, mainly due to the encouragement of some expat who kept looking at the crowd around him with sadness – you could tell he wanted the people to just get moving – but at the end of the night, it wasn’t enough to get the blood flowing. Check it out for yourself….looking forward to getting back to reality.
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