On The Scene: Old What? Bar 30-03-2013

Well, kinda on the scene at least.


My first night my parent’s are visiting me and what do I do – bring them to the Old What? Bar – get a little culture with their music right. Too lazy and occupied making sure they were in good hands (which clearly they were not), I didn’t get much filming done. Luckily, Giz ze Frenchmen got to sneak a peek at thruoutin with his nifty cam before my parents and I showed up to get down and dirty.

And by get down, I mean freeze our asses out outside, have Papa Griff snooze while some free jam band (Xin Ma You Jiang) played inches away from him (though he\’s claims he was going with the flow), and myself having to finish all my parents Yangjings. Oh family. Gotta love em. Check below for a word from Giz and more.

 Now, some kind words from the one and only true Frenchmen…

Voila le dernier poulain de Michael avec un nouveau record bientôt dans les bacs il a des beaux jours devant lui notre ami. Pour être tout a fait franc, il est assez grand pour sortir des mix pop maisons qui déchirent. Le son est clair et sans ambiguïté les basses profondes et minimales. Juste de quoi laisser la place à de poétiques et fougueux slam. Il serait presque temps de commencer a faire péter ses samples dans des salles un peu plus blindes 😛

So there’s that – think he hit all the points. Did I mentioned that I listened to most of Arrows Made of Desire’s set from outside, and it sounded really good. No, well it is. Some serious Brain Wilson goodness lurking in there beneath those lushest melodies.


And as the wise Michael (who’s also producing Arrows\’ newest record) taught me, listening to shows from obscure places is a journey unto itself. Yeah, he’s a strange cat. Wait what, no video. What a gip! Deal with it. Friggin rents. Stay tuned for more weird parent-on the scene mishups.

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