Alright, gonna make this short and sweet – gotta catch a flight in a few. Got the chance to check out some this year’s hottest commodities at Mao Livehouse including math rocking post gazing outfit Glow Curve, electronic party rock trio CNdY, and of course those wound up Residence A kids, who wouldn’t you know had shit tons of new material to show off, along with Zhaozhao’s plum suit.
These guys could be wearing matching jump suits for all I care – it’s a friggin new Residence A song!! All hail the melody! I get excited sometimes – jump below for some more goodness gracious.
Glow Curve are a chameleon of a band. From what was once another headstrong post rock band, the outfit has only surprised at each and every turn, developing their sound into a hybrid of influences and genres, all the while making it their own.
Yeah, I was lukewarm on their latest album (getting warmer though) – but there is no denying the bluster and power of their live performance. This is a band unafraid to take the off beaten path and revel in the possibilities of genre. That my friends, is a rarity nowadays.
Why the heck wasn’t CNdY be tapped to perform over at Dada, Lantern, or Tango for that matter. I’m sold on them – this is sweaty old school electronic music with a rock star edge that’s been missing from the Beijing nightlife for, well, ever.
Hyperactive, inspired, and above all fun, CNdY is a fever dream of ideas, beats, theatrics, and noise that’s hard not to get your freak on to.
It’s a bombardment on ones ears, and while the house does come in to strongly at times, not to mention the creepy masks (unicorn for the win) there’s a creative flair to CNdY that’s dying to be let loose.
And of course there’s Residence A who earlier this summer I was worried would have difficulty topping themselves in terms of content. Well, after this fall’s EP release and tonight’s outing, I think Residence A will be giving us the goods for some time.
While it may be missing the raving synergy of their earlier work, the band has tapped deeper into their melodic side, with an extra dose of pop. And I’m digging the hell out of it.
Hot damn. Keep them coming boys!
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