The Golden Weekend pulled no punches – relaxing, yeah not so much – felt a tad bit more like Spring Break, for better or worse. Unhealthy amounts of food, illogical and shameless decisions being made left and right, a sleep schedule which meant I missed a lot of the beautiful blue skies, and shows, shows, and shows. Oh, and three of my friends bit the dust, pulled up stakes, and escaped Beijing. So yeah, things got ugly indeed.
So for my bud’s last nights, a Scottish lad who has been around the block more than once, we decided bring it full circle – by checking out Residence A. Back in January, I had dragged the poor sucker all the way to D-22 – and well, let’s just say I was correct in assuming Residence A would do the trick for him. So what better way to part ways than a bottle(s) of wine at Dos Kolegas and pure high-octane rock and roll bliss courtesy of Perpetual Motion Machine, Residence A, and Steely Heart (well almost on that last one).
Alright I’ve said enough about Perpetual Motion Machine already – they’re great. Just ready to get at it at all times.
They’re really starting to sound more and more like The Red Hot Chili Peppers, which I don’t mind at all. And not even just in their sound. They have that same kind of energetic manic athleticism that’s makes watching them a ball.
This ain’t no slow waltz, these boys are taking their instruments swing dancing. In their hands, they almost become toys. Twenty bucks says these two would tear it up at air guitar.
Ok now it really looks like I’m repeating myself here – Residence A – yes, again. But geez, how can you say no to this?
It’s dynamite. They haven’t loss any of their steam. And though I predict they’ll have to shake things up soon enough if they wanna take things to the next level, I still love the undying hell out of these songs – I almost strained my self dancing to 送春 (though this wouldn’t be the first time). And to be fair, they did try something new..
I’m not sure I dig the echoed vocals (and why does it seem like every other band out there is getting their hands dirty with looping and other effects lately), I’m glad they’re stretching their arms a little more.
Steely Heart has a lot going for it – some killer riffs, a whiskey-soaked tone that keeps the beat steady and the atmosphere fun. But the lack of enthusiasm of our lead singer is just getting to me. A rock-ready tune like “A Sexy Lie” which works some much better than it should, is nearly killed by Sai Li’s general lack of enthusiasm.
Yeah, part of me realizes that yeah, it’s an act, only a true rock star can show this much contempt for the audience. But if you’re gonna give a half-assed vocal performance like this, might as well start throwing bottles at us, or shot up on stage, just take it further for my entertainment – then I’ll be fine with it. But this –
– again, pretty awesome tune, but tonight, not so much. I still think Steely Heart have got it in them. Maybe it’s time to change their brand, or at least their brand of alcohol.
So cheers Dos Kolegas, and Bon Voyage Micky, you Scottish wank! Check below for another video from Perpetual Motion Machine.
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