Day two of “My Weekend With Punk” where I descended into the inner depths of punkdom aka Tangzhou to check out new safe haven for punk, DMC, owned by Demerit lead Spike and Ying Chen, of Dirty Monster. And righteous the party was – a shitstorm of epic proportions, where birthday cakes, burnt popcorn, ripped out earrings, shoddy equipment, and even the ‘NYPD’ (yes the police are referred to as NYPD…don’t ask) couldn’t put a lid on the madhouse fun that took transpired. My camera even got into the spirit of things, sloppily shooting away whenever opportunity struck, without, sadly, for those looking for something high quality, an ounce of care. Heck, you can even see my body get tossed into the bathroom like a ragdoll at the forty second mark.
One for the books people. Exactly the kind of energy Beijing needs more of. Check out below for more from Demerit, Bedstars, and Discord. Head is still reeling.
Word of advice – taking the bus from the end of Line 6 – can’t recommend it – it’s quite the journey from there – getting off along the Batong Line will definitely take less time, transfers and all. Nevertheless, by the time my buddy and I which the concrete jungle that is DMC, the music was just getting going, with Discord on hand to provide some Beijing-themed anthems.
Acoustic punk – why not? The levels of bro-ing out was pretty much through the roof this evening, with every able inebriated body getting into the mix at one point or another. And as lame as it sounds, all the communal singing adds a whole other layer of sentiment.
Just try not feel the love there. I dare you.
No worries though as Bedstars were primed to bring the grime and dirt back to the joint, with an appropriately sluggish set that was probably just as sloushed as my camera at this point. Ten kuai beers – what do you expect?
How can one not start slouching like a cockeyed madman and swaying their hips side to side with this – place might as well be a swamp.
Sleaze has never been so much fun or downright infectious.
But of course this was Demerit’s night, as Spike celebrated his birthday – but really at this point, the whole night was a celebration – moreso for the fact that it seems that punk may have a new home. Enthusiasm, friendly faces, and good old fashion hooliganism became the motto and not one person couldn’t help but feel that sense of righteousness. So here’s to you DMC – bring on the cake!!
Yup, guess scaling a ladder seemed like a perfectly safe idea at the time. Ohhh Tongzhou.
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