Sometimes you just have to take Badr’s word for it. No fuss, no qualms. Just trust the dude’s taste. That’s what I’ve learned over the past couple years when searching the gigsphere for something tasty. Granted I had been itching to see the acclaimed Japanese drummer, Funky Sueyoshi, in action since BeijingDaze first wrote of his show back in March, but really when someone gets this enthusiastic over a set, you have to check it out for yourself. Hence why I rolled on over to Blue Stream Bar to catch the ferocious drummer as well as pop rockers Pair, and the ever marvelous Buyi, who returning from a New York recording sees, had plenty of new material to show off, including this lovely gem.
Lin Na on vocals. Hells yes. The new album can’t come soon enough. Check out more from Funky, Pair, and of course Buyi.
Funky Sueyoshi is the ex-drummer of Japanese rock band Bakufu Slump (among others) is in a nutshell, an animal, a true drum master. Just writing this, I’m imagining half clad ladies clinging to his arms as fireworks burst behind him. Seriously I hope I have this kind of energy come my fifties.
Man just rips it up. Could watch him hit those skins all days. After crunching out several numbers, Funky led his talents to two bands.
First up, was Pair – pop music at its most earnest, for better or worse. Nevertheless, there’s a lot here to like – the leads’ got quite the vocal chords on her, and the rest of the band has enough personality to go around. And it’s pretty adorable.
But with all things sweet, it’s pushes its luck a bit too quickly, leaving a bad taste in your mouth. So while I was onboard the first few songs, it definitely became hard to swallow by the end.
Again, as far as pop goes, this ain’t too bad – genuine props.
However, if you’re gonna use Funky, use him – case in point, Buyi, who turned the next hour plus in an all out jam fest that had the whole place glowing.
Let’s be honest – not too many bands can get me teary eyed playing a set. Perhaps not tissue warranting, but enough to leave deep knot of emotions wrapped up in nostalgia. And while at first listen I’m not able to pick up most of the words, there’s no denying the passion they bring to each song.
Buyi are far from letting sleeping dogs lie as they are – and come this is winter, we’re gonna see first hand what they have in store. Can’t wait.
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