Late last year, I jumped on the madcap caper that is Nasty Wizard Recordings. There was simply no way I could say no to ‘Wiz Biz’. Dudes are legit wizards. And I need to learn their ways. Till then, we are very proud to announce Nahash & TO DIE Split: the first release from NWR of 2015! Which is available in all its digital glory now! But that’s not all – we’ll be holding the physical release (tapes for the win!) this Saturday, March 28th at DDC during the ‘Too Much Shit On The Table’ Vol.1 showcase. Check out an interview with Indonesian noise project To Die at AWEH and stay tuned tomorrow for an interview with Nahash. Full details below the creepy promo video.
First up on the gallows we have Nahash, a particularly murky offering out of the neon drenched over-caffeinated smog of Shanghai, where the pigs don’t fly, instead they float down the river. Nahash is in fact a project of one Laura Ingalls aka. Raphael Valensi of Acid Pony Club and Death to Ponies, also the producer to a bunch of bands and also the brains and the money behind Huashan Records, another macabre and purposely DIY label down Shanghai way (*swoon*). Nahash also utilizes the visual talents of one Tina Sparkles, who like totally kills it when it comes to celluloid and digital. Like, for real.
Nahash has be known to also draw in the occasional other cat (picture the performance at Pair’s last show in an underground rehearsal room where Mike Cupoli of Noise Arcade fame was smashing the drum kit a hard as he could, while Adam Cah of The Other was literally throwing a smashed guitar into an amp, while Mr. Ingalls himself blasted out some deeeeeeep doom bass. Now imagine how that sounded.) To the point: the Nahash bit of this split is what you need in your life: it’s that extra spoon of doom in your black coffee after whatever semi-legal substances you imbued the night before, it’s the white noise between your ears when you lay down in bed at night, it’s the cat that gets under your feet just as you\’re about to descend a very steep staircase whilst carrying a box of artificial limbs.
Next up in the inquisitor’s boudoir is To Die, sometimes a band, sometimes one dude with a bunch of pedals, sometimes hardcore punk, sometimes hardcore noise, frickin’ awesome all the time ninety six percent of the time (and that DOES make sense.) To Die have probably put out more releases than most comic bookshop owners have had intimate nights at home with a box of tissues and an internet full of porn (eg. a lot) and there’s no sign of a drought coming from the To Die camp any time soon. It’s a constant (un)healthy stream of work from the mind, mouth, and finger tips of one Martinus Indra Hermawan (as he’s known on this release), a DIY demi-God in the Mecca of awesome that is Yogyakarta, Indonesia. And hey, he also runs a DIY label over there which happens to be handling the SE Asia production of this split. What a weirdo tea party this is turning out to be! Anyway, the To Die side of the split is exactly what those in known have come to expect from this project an assault of possibility meditative noise and broken signals, a beautiful mess for your twisted brain to try and decipher and make sense of.
released 23 March 2015
Nahash is
Tina Sprinkles : visuals
Raphael Valensi : noise
Recorded sometime in 2014, probably on a not very sunny days as a reflection on death, democracy and the power of capitalized letters.
For more info:
To Die in this recording:
Martinus Indra Hermawan: the man, the scream, the soul
The tools: oscilator, drone room, atari punk console (all made by Kenali Rangkai Pakai), mic, handmade passive mixer
The effects: Boss RV3 reveb delay, Boss metalzone
recorded at Sean\’s house
by Sean Stellfox
mixed and mastered at Relamati Records home studio
by Indra Menus
facebook: To Die
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