MERRY CHRISTMAS YA FILTHY ANIMALS!! As a special gift to everyone who enjoys having their eardrums sodomized, Nasty Wizard Recordings celebrates Christmas with Cat AIDS Christmas…Again. It\’s got all your favorite holiday hits like \’Masturbating To Star Trek With Morgan Awesome\’ and \’Raindog Dancing In A Cave\’. It was recorded at \’A Very Special Christmas With Cat AIDS\’ show last weekend. And because it\’s Christmas, it\’s a free download. Digital coal for all the naughty kids out there.
\”Is Christmas and its season, a time of the year that has been sanctified and made holy by Jesus Christ, or is it a season and day that has been \”christianized\” by the deception of Satan the Devil?
Does Christmas observance represent the will and command of the true Jesus Christ of the Bible, or is its observance all part of Satan\’s greater deception in his \”Christianizing\” all of today\’s Christianity. Satan and his false ministers and evangelists of light, II Cor. 11:13-15, have created many false Christs in today\’s Christianity. One of Satan\’s false christs that he and his ministers have created is the christ that they raise up, exalt and worship through their borrowing the sun-worship customs of idolatry of the past and use them in observance to commorate the Christmas season of the year all in the name of Jesus Christ.\”
released December 23, 2015
Gustav Von Klusterfuk – bass, vocals, noise
Meow Ze Bong – guitar, vocals
Percy Piss Wizard – drums, synth, noise
Recorded live at School in Beijing, China on December 20, 2015
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