New Releases: Liang Yiyuan, U-180, Cat AIDS, AV Okubo, Fanzui Xiangfa


Hip-hop fans, hardcore punk go-getters, experimental junkies, retro synth zombies, and feline diseased prudes – have we got the goods for you! Plenty to go around this week as we rehash the latest and newest releases from U-180, Fanzui Xiangfa, Liang Yiyuan, AV Okubo, and Cat AIDS. Hold on to your eardrums.

Looking for a little existentialism with your music? Take in the world at large? Then I highly recommend checking out Liang Yiyuan’s work – the Wuhan-born artist, originally a painter, deals with works involving electronics, noise, minimalism, and other types of instrumental improvisation and is dedicated to the exploration of sound and silence, meditation, relationship exists and mysticism. Whoa. Definitely an artist though and though. His latest work,  须臾形下器 (anyone got a translation for that?) is a master class in atmosphere – using flutes, guitar, bass, and a Finnish instrument called the Kantele, Liang Yiyuan creates a world of sound to get lost in. Quite intoxicating stuff. This would absolutely kill over at XP’s Zoomin Nights. Give it a listen here and purchase her work here.

There\’s a new force in town cornering the, ahem, cassette market – Nasty Wizard Recordings – and they mean business. Last week they released their third cassette – a split between doom hardcore piss takers Cat AIDS and Osaka\’s guitar noise artist Go Tsushima. It\’s a wicked kaleidoscope of aggressive, tongue in cheek bass and drums that\’s as they claim is ‘either the best thing you\’ve heard in a while or, well, not at all’. Meanwhile, Go Tsushima, is a trip and a half – two ten-plus minute tracks of intricate layers of instruments and sounds that morphs a coffee house jam gone awry. Grab it here. Nasty Wizards’ next release is between Noise Arcade and Malaysian noise freak Jerk Kerouac – which’ll be officially released this Friday at DDC. Stoked to hear what the dirty lil wizards concoct next.

I\’ve gone off more than once about how I believe this will be the year hip hop finds its footing in China, and though I perhaps have exaggerated a tad bit, more and more promising artists in the genre have emerged. Take for instance, hip-hop group U180, out of Hangzhou, who promise that their music is one hundred percent organic, free of pollution. A bold statement, but there’s something to appreciate in the groups’ ‘old school’ approach to hip-hop. Lotta soul, lotta funk – this is hip-hop of a golden era made with the utmost love and respect for the genre. Their debut, entitled 无码行空, which features a host of guest artists including Fatkid, PeteChen, Gavintoo, and more, is a lesson in how old school hip-hop is meant to be done. No pesticides here. Give it a listen over here and purchase it here.

Fall has been a busy month for vinyl pushers Genjing Records – first up, a 7\’\’ from 80s escapist post punks AV Okubo, featuring the bands latest (drug-oriented) tracks, \’Opium\’ and \’Heroin\’. That second open ranks among the Wuhan band’s best. As per usual at Genjing, you get a shit ton of cool extra accessories with the beautiful composed vinyl – details here. Second, the labels flagship band, hardcore punk outfit Fanzui Xiangfa, have just released two new slabs of vinyl fun – a split 7\’\’ with Swedish group Bad Nerve, as well as a packed compilation album (more like a discography) of all the band DIY hardcore history with Genjing – yes a eight year discography over thirty five minutes of hard hitting ragers – gotta hand it to them. Grab that here. Oh, and perfect timing for all you cats aboard who have a chance to catch the band on their European tour which kicks today.

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