Been slacking on the new releases write-ups as of late due to a complete lack of a website but it’d be criminal not to get out the good word so here’s some of the new music that’s been cramming my playlist for the past two months – the May releases that I highly recommend checking out —- including Beijing punk ruffians Juaruco Punk, Chongqing indie rock outfit Perfect Handstand, and the latest Ran Groove compilation
Jaruco Punk – Let’s Punk
Pop punk gets lit on the devilishly scrappy and endearing debut from Beijing based punk outfit Jaruco Punk. The three piece band who ‘combine simple lyrics, melodies and energetic rhythms to create sweet sounds of liberty,” is a hodgepodge of 90s indie giants – from Green Day to Weezer – but done in such earnest and downright catchy fashion you’ll find yourself nodding along in no time. With lyrics that delight in their banal honesty and simplistic edge and fronting a strong sense of melody, it’s a hell of an introduction to a band just getting their feet wet.
Perfect Handstand完美倒立– Perfect Handstand完美倒立
Walking the thin line between indie pop, shoegaze, post rock, and trip pop Chongqing’s Perfect Handstand who formed last year in the hot pot capital, prove themselves to be a band to be reckoned with on their incredibly satissfying self-titled debut. There’s an elegance and ease to which the band finds the melody, elevated by the whispered ethereal voice of the band’s singer Huang Jing. A weightless dream pop triumph.
VA (Ran Music) – Ran Groove Vol. 4
I have a confession to make – I’ve having a heated love affair with Ran Music’s Ran Groove series. I never really thought of myself as a house kind of guy, and I even feel a bit guilty for being so easily duped, but heck those 4/4 beats get me every time. And when you have a crack team of producers of this caliber throwing down you’ve got my attention. For their latest volume, Ran Music taps producers Knopha, J.R.G, JaCat, Another Van (those guitar strings kill me), Hielektromen, Senders Chen (is that Monkey King entrance music?), Beijing Eastside Jam Squad, h_w_a, and Carsen – each leading their idiosyncrasies and flourishes to the hotbed of house and techno grooves. More please.
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