Been slacking on the new releases write-ups as of late due to a complete lack of a website but it’d be criminal not to get out the good word and some of the new music that’s been cramming my playlist for the past two months – here are some of the April releases that I highly recommend checking out —- including the latest from Shanghai math rock duo Foster Parents, Shanghai freak rock show Round Eye, and electronic collective Babel Records
Foster Parents – Grim
Grim, the excellent debut from Foster Parents is math rock catnip. Playful, melodic, breezy yet instrumentally skillful and astute, the Shanghai duo are a worthy addition to the growing list of instrumental bands making their mark on music scene in China. Far from grim, the album wears its heart on its sleeve, pulling at those heartstrings while nimbly pulling at those guitar strings. Plus, anyone who sound bites Weird Science clearly knows what they’re doing. The debut will get a physical release courtesy of Qiii Snacks Records later this month.
Round Eye – Monster Vision
Speaking of references that immediately bring me back to my childhood – Round Eye, the offbeat, sax wielding, party punk outfit wave their freak flag high and proud on their latest LP Monster Vision, off of Sudden Death Records, and they’ve wondrously tapped one of my childhood heroes to narrate the whole damn thing – Joe friggin Bob friggin Briggs of TNT’s ‘Monster Vision’ – an all evening horror movie marathon which introduced me to everything from Logan’s Run to Critters (not to mention the whole Godzilla catalogue). In many ways Round Eye’s sprawling, anarchic satirical release is the equivalent of staying up late, jacked up on sugar, having your senses terrorized and titillated in equal douses. A madcap delight.
Babel Records – Tour Guide To The World人间指南
One of the newest labels to make their mark on the electronic scene – Babel Records continues expanding their sound with their latest compilation Tour Guide To The World – an expansive sonically delicious collection of songs that gives a modern day futuristic spin to the pop songs that saturated the music scene in the 80s and 90s in China. With over twelve artist leaning their hand including su su su, 56Loopy, LinFeng, Fantasy Girl 1985, Goldchild, Soulspeak, Fcyco, Radiax, Zean, Joy Ginger, Lofimaker, Ops.7, VISUDY, and Lil Akin, it’s a spirited, upbeat mix that’s just in time for the summer sun.
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