Limbolimbs – It’s a fact . No!
Breakcore, jungle, drum & bass, and dance music’s more thrilling tangents all filtered through the producer’s eccentric and botheration detective protagonist, LimboLimbs’ It’s a fact. No!, released on Eating Music is a knockout. Slap bass respites to catch your breath, carnivalesque comedowns that feel like a Chemical Brothers -side, haze-like interludes that focus in and out in between pummeling beats, each twist and turn vigorously throws into a world that’s unique unto itself.
Breakcore, jungle, drum & bass, 以及 dance music 中更多令人兴奋的切入点,都通过制作人,也是古怪而麻烦的侦探主角 LimboLimbs 的《It’s a fact . No!》过滤展现。不!,在Eating Music上发行的作品是一个敲门砖。啪啪啪的低音喘息,狂欢式的喜剧,感觉就像化学兄弟那边,朦胧式的插曲,在猛烈的节拍之间集中在一起,每一个扭曲和转折都有力地扔进一个独特的世界。

Gong Gong Gong 工工工 – Phantom Rhythm 幽靈節奏 Remixed
Gong Gong Gong’s riotous debut, Phantom Rhythm, which introduced the Beijing duo’s stripped-down drummer-less psych blues rock and roll to the world, enters strange new and often delirious territory on the remix album. Tapping a handful of the electronic and experimental scene’s most prolific and exciting acts, it’s a wonderfully vibrant showcase of intoxicating sounds that flips the band’s sound and twists it in on itself before opening it wide open. From crunching techno to more atmospheric doom-laced ambience, there’s a lot to dig into here with a roster that includes Yu Su (Vancouver/Kaifeng), Zaliva-D, Simon Frank, Howie Lee (Beijing), Mong Tong, Scattered Purgatory (Taipei), Knopha (Xiamen), Wu Zhuoling (Chengdu), Angel Wei (Copenhagen), and P.E. (Brooklyn).
工工工的首张专辑《幽靈節奏》,向世界介绍了这个北京二人组的脱胎换骨的无鼓手的迷幻蓝调摇滚乐,在这张混音专辑中进入了奇怪且疯狂的新领域。挖掘了一些电子和实验场景中最多产和令人兴奋的行为,这是一个有关迷人声音的精彩纷呈的展示,那些声音解构了乐队的音乐,并在此之上重建。从嘎吱嘎吱的 techno 到更加大气的带有厄运的氛围,这里有很多可以挖掘的东西,参与的人中包括Yu Su(温哥华/开封)、Zaliva-D、Simon Frank、Howie Lee(北京)、Mong Tong、Scattered Purgatory(台北)、Knopha(厦门)、吴卓凌(成都)、Angel Wei(哥本哈根)和P.E. (布鲁克林)。
- https://gonggonggong.bandcamp.com/album/phantom-rhythm-remixed
- https://music.163.com/#/album?id=125529439
Lastboss – Benchill 90210/Dear Spider Fearing Reader
Zhuhai-based producer lastboss showcases his dexterity on his latest EPs, Benchill 90210 and Dear Spider Fearing Reader, released a month apart from each other. While the former indulges in the artist’s penchant for breakcore and jungle music, the equivalent of barreling down the highway while uppers and downers keep your heart frantically beating away, it’s the latter where the artist truly shines. Capturing an orchestral nocturnal hybrid of electronic and traditional instrumentation, complete with menacing strings and blaring horns, and modulated vocals, it’s more of a mood piece akin to Sufjan Stevens and Chapelier Fou- the place where the glitz and glamour of a ballroom dance suddenly turns ominous.
珠海的制作人 lastboss 在他最新的 EP《Benchill 90210》和《Dear Spider Fearing Reader》中展示了他的灵巧,这两张 EP 的发行只间隔了一个月。前者沉溺于音乐人对 breakcore 和 jungle 音乐的偏好,仿佛高速公路上狂奔,兴奋剂和镇静剂让你的心脏疯狂地跳动,而后者才是 lastboss 真正闪耀的地方。捕捉到一种电子和传统乐器的管弦乐夜间混合体,配上汹涌的弦乐和响亮的喇叭,以及调制好的人声,它更像是一首类似于 Sufjan Stevens 和 Chapelier Fou 的情绪性作品——舞厅舞蹈的浮华和魅力突然变成不祥之物。

Hielektromen 海淀人 – Song 4 You
Soak up the neon colors and bubbly exuberance of urban life with Beijing electronic outfit Hielektromen’s latest EP, Song 4 You, under Ran Groove. Pushing further the indie dance and tech house stylings of their previous endeavors, the group this time around taps into a sincere synth-pop vein with open arms, embracing club music’s more shameless sentimentality. Deep house music that’s both technically invigorating and musically stimulating, Hielektromen will please both dance music ravers and music geeks.
北京电子乐队海淀人在 Ran Groove 发行了最新EP《Song 4 You》,沉浸在城市生活的霓虹灯色和欢快的气氛中。在进一步推动他们之前的 indie dance 和 tech house 风格的同时,他们这次张开双臂切入了真诚的 synth-pop 音乐的脉络,拥抱俱乐部音乐更无耻的情感。海淀人的 deep house 在技术和音乐上都令人振奋,他们会让舞曲狂热者和音乐怪人都感到满意。
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