Curry3000 – 咖喱嘎多
Supergroups come and go in China, but I’ll be damned if there’s one out there having as much fun as Curry3000 – a Beijing based Megazord composed of members of New Pants (Hayato), Mr. Chelonian (Jiang Han), Reflector (Li Peng), and Human Centipede (Wang Zi), whose deconstruction of hardcore, punk, dance, and pop music is both ridiculously catchy and hilariously assembled. A Trojan Horse of rallying punk music that’s irreverent, impossible to pin down, and primed for detonation.
- Netease: https://music.163.com/#/album?id=90106654
- Xiami: https://www.xiami.com/album/1tsEL210dff

Code-A – 口袋A
Chengdu’s Code-A intrigues with their twisty and charming self-titled debut, which finds the young duo, made up of Xiao Long on guitar, vocals, and keyboard, and drummer Xiaoshun, piecing together an electrifying sound that’s both spry and tender. The duo blurs the line between sugar-coated pop and infectious indietronica so effortlessly – one minute you’re feeling guilty for being so easily swayed; the next you’re hopelessly in awe of the
- Netease: https://music.163.com/#/album?id=89261796
- Xiami: https://www.xiami.com/album/qy6Nvq87328

JIAO 香蕉周刊 – Superman Combat No. 1 超人作战第一号
Wuhan grunge revivalists JIAO bring their disillusioned angst to full fruition on their wicked debut. Composed of ten ‘uneven stories – some flashy, some clueless, some shitless, and others used to make up the number’ it’s an unruly journey that feels like a nosedive into the deep end of someone’s unfiltered id. Blunt and scathing lyricism courtesy of Guo Laoshi pair nicely with the band’s unhinged, grit-filled musicality. No cheap tricks – just raw energy spewing forth.
- Netease: https://music.163.com/#/album?id=90280473

Slot Canyons – Sketches
Slot Canyons, the ambient electronic project from Ryan Blankly of Wuhan’s Panic Worm returns with his latest batch of haze-filled soundscapes, Sketches, produced whilst the musician was stuck in Dalian unable to return to Wuhan. The reflective nature of the situation can be heard in these ‘sketches’ as sonic manipulations take on the form of degraded tape loop samples with woozy synths, revealing a vapourwave side to Slot Canyons that feels hopeful in its outlook and tender in its immersion.
- Bandcamp: https://slotcanyons.bandcamp.com/album/sketches
- QQ: https://y.qq.com/n/yqq/album/0027HVlz1VvJIq.html
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