New Music: Hoo!, Sdewdent, Zaliva-D, derBerlinerNebel

Hoo! – Hoo!

Tight songwriting and infectious hooks run amuck in Hoo!’s exceptional debut, out on Merrie Records. The Guangzhou indie outfit whose youthful vigor is colored in shades of city pop and scrappy alternative rock is anchored by the dynamic voice of lead singer Duo Jun, who brings an eccentric yet deviant prowess to many of the songs irresistible melodies. There’s not a weak song in the eight-track release – from the floor-stopping cathartic chorus of ‘Ramble 漫步’ to the playful flirtation of ‘Pinch’ – each song stays strong on its own two feet. Hot-blooded and fierce – the new generation of indie rock has something to say. Hoo!



Sdewdent – Sdewdent

Shanghai producer and hip-hop jazz alchemist Sdewdent finds bliss between the world of instrumentals grooves and simmering beats on his intoxicating self-titled debut with Shanghai-based label Eating Music. Taking cues from such acts as Madlib, Yussef Dayes, and Kammal Williams, as well as collaborating with a slew of the local scene’s most sensational musicians including jazz singer Voision Xi, producer Pacoz and more. Sonically light on its feet yet rich in detail – it’s a warm-hued rhythmic tour de force that’s tailor-made for dusk in the summertime. 

上海的制作人、嘻哈爵士音乐人Sdewdent与厂牌宜听音乐合作发行了首张令人激动的同名专辑,他在器乐与节拍间寻找到了一种和谐,使两者达到了平衡。从Madlib、Yussef Dayes和Kammal Williams的表演中获得灵感,并与众多在当地引起轰动的音乐家们合作,爵士歌手Voision Xi、制片人Pacoz等。声音轻柔而细节丰富-如同一段描绘了温暖色调的动感之旅,最适合这个夏日的黄昏不过。


der Berliner Nebel 柏林的雾 – Hazy! Hazy! Hazy!

Out of Ningbo comes der Berliner Nebel (or The Berlin Fog) – a scrappy post punk noise outfit who have been chipping away at the indie circuit for years. Their luck finally paid off when they were signed to Modern Sky last year (under their new fresh blood sublabel White Cat Laundry) and the result is their debut EP Hazy!Hazy!Hazy! which tightens up (and overproduces) the band’s loose and young-bloodied swagger into something more accessible. It’s a bit all over the place – bopping between Bauhaus post punk dance numbers to more woozy dream pop long burns – but when they’re on, they’re on. 

来自宁波的乐队柏林的雾,一支特立独行的后朋克噪音乐队,已经在独立音乐圈混迹多年并崭露头角。终于,他们的好运降临于去年顺利签约摩登天空(准确的说是其麾下新鲜血液白猫洗衣店厂牌)以及顺利发行的首张EP《Hazy!Hazy!Hazy! 》。专辑中乐队收敛了(以往曾过度表达的)松散气质,和年轻热血的傲气,变得更加有亲和力。整体感觉掌控了从零星的包豪斯后朋克舞曲到炫目的梦幻流行音乐长篇的游刃有余——不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。


Zaliva-D – Immorality

Full of the Beijing duo’s signature atmospheric and pulse-pounding tribal cues and topped off with their esoteric flourish of the strange and beautiful, Zaliva-D dial back their more jarring industrial club vibes, making perhaps most accessible album EP to date. But don’t expect a waltz in the park on Immortality – battle beats, skittish bell chimes, and haunting vocals twisted into the ether still are the Kool Aid to Zaliva-D’s divine and surreal pagan trip, giving listeners the sonic glimpse into the mouth of madness and what awaits us omg the other side. Soak it in. 

专辑充满了这对组合标志性的大气和震撼人心的部落元素,营造神秘的美,Zaliva-D在作品中还原了炸裂的工业俱乐部氛围,制作出或许是迄今为止最受欢迎的EP专辑。专辑中难寻如华尔兹般的旋律表现,战斗的节拍,摇曳的钟鸣和萦绕的歌声,如同混合了酒精的Kool Aid,助兴Zaliva-D所开启的神圣又超现实的异教之旅,给了听众癫狂之态和即临之世的惊鸿一瞥,沦陷其中。


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