Biuya 不优雅 – RenQing Park 人情公园
Cutting away at the fat, excess, as well as their former moniker of Mr. Graceless, the Beijing-based indie rock band Biuya return. Breaking through their long-standing identity crisis, the band gets back to basics and their knack for crafting ridiculously catchy singles. Displaying deftness in both English and Chinese, these may be three of the band’s finest tracks yet, tapping into their Beatles-esque charm and no-frills melodies that wiggle their way into your brain. 从Mr. Graceless更名为不优雅,这个北京独立摇滚乐队轻装上阵重返视野。突破以往的身份认同危机,不优雅三首新歌回归对词曲创作的精雕细琢。中英文的敏感度结合披头士歌谣般的洗脑旋律,你忘不掉。
- Xiami: https://www.xiami.com/album/nnpTvq508df
- Netease: https://music.163.com/#/album?id=84154933
- QQ: https://y.qq.com/n/yqq/album/002BHv2E2OKvjN.html

Demone – Midnight Ambient Selection
Long-standing producer Demone, perhaps best known for his magnetic house and techno sets and his makeshift live electronica act Hielektromen, dips his toes into the vast realm of ambient music on his latest, Midnight Ambient Selection. And what a treat – a lushly arranged collection of ambient tracks that takes the artist’s eclectic understanding of dance music and turns it inward – there’s a cinematic heft and an almost propulsive narrative to each track that never loses its way even amongst the rich details and flourishes. One of the best surprises of the year. 制作人Demone以house和techno风格为主的dj set以及电子项目Hielektromen出没于电子场景。新专辑Midnight Ambient Selection加入了更多氛围的元素,也保留着Demone对跳舞音乐的独特理解。极尽奢华的铺陈结合电影配乐般的叙事性,层层推进,直抵午夜深处。年度惊喜专辑之一。
Netease: https://music.163.com/#/album?id=85776081

Laughing Ears – Metamorphosis/Blue Dusk
Shanghai-based producer Laughing Ears kicks off the year with two stellar releases with international labels Decisions (out of Melbourne) and Chinabot (London) showcasing the shape-shifting artist’s range and command of atmosphere. While Metamorphosis is driven by ‘fragmented ambient synths carefully woven together with dark footwork-inspired beats’, the subsequent Blue Dusk finds the artist kicking things into higher gear, riding pulsing percussion and buzzing bass with razor-sharp psychedelic sound design, creating a sound that may have been born on the dancefloor but has veered superbly off-course into ‘uncharted territories’. 上海制作人Laughing Ears笑耳用两张新专辑Metamorphosis和Blue Dusk开启了她2020年的声音版图。专辑由国际厂牌Decisions(墨尔本)和Chinabot(伦敦)发行。不同于Metamorphosis碎片化的氛围合成纤维小心包裹着黑暗节拍,Blue Dusk带着脉冲节奏,蜂鸣贝斯和锋利的迷幻音色从舞池飞向未知领空。
- Bandcamp: https://laughingears.bandcamp.com/
- Xiami: https://www.xiami.com/artist/yiugImb11e7
- Netease: https://music.163.com/#/artist/album?id=12945423
- QQ: https://y.qq.com/n/yqq/singer/000Lf7uY1HNO4m.html

PizzaFace – 刀锋羽翼
A Molotov cocktail of swagger and deviant charm, Beijing’s PizzaFace bring their riotous sugar-rush genre-bending punk rock to life on their robust debut. A concoction of rock and roll in all its glory and incarnations – ricocheting from waltzy dream-pop one moment and swan diving in a pogoing punk rock ditty the next – the band, led by the ever fearless Spirit, takes each topsy-turvy turn with sly conviction, baiting you one moment with a serenade, and clocking you over the head with giddy ferocity Harley Quinn style the next. Righteous as can be. 又甜又烈,犹如燃烧弹向你袭来的是北京朋克乐队PizzaFace的新专辑《刀锋羽翼》。这是一个摇滚乐的再现配方:华尔兹梦泡盯,pogo专用朋克以及无所畏惧的精神雪碧,带你向更深处去。穿过罪行的斜巷,跳一支小夜曲的时间,你又像是看到了哥谭镇的烈女奎因,太正了。
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