A first look at rising post punk band’s latest, a folk freakout from one of Beijing’s finest, and a beautiful portrait of the coastal city of Dalian – it’s the latest music videos to soak in including fresh eye candy from Hiperson, Djang San, and DOC.
Dalian post rock outfit DOC (Dalian Obscure Club) puts a spotlight on their costal city Dalian – one of their, if not their biggest, influences on their just released album Northern Electric Shadow. Clam waves, rocky jagged coasts, and swimmers galore converge on their opening track \’Dalian Prologue\’. Spliced together alongside the music, the images become a tender symphony of layers that feels almost as if they’ve emerged from a bygone era (I’m reminded often of Thomas Sauvin’s work) – well till the end where the colors and 3D renderings overtake. Intoxicatingly good.
Chengdu post punk wrecking ball Hiperson, one of the bands that continues to surprise me, released this rehearsal space music video for their newest song, ‘追和等’ late last month in preparation for the band’s European tour, which just kicked off a couple days back in Italy. And it’s a dozzy – just love the intensity and precision musicianship they bring to the table. Have a feeling they’ll be getting lots of love over yonder. Full tour dates here and here.
Djang San continues effortlessly working hard on his culturally expansive brand of music, as well as behind the camera as evident from the release of two music videos in the past month. While the music video for ‘Lighter/Goodbye’ (from Djang San’s latest solo release I Love Cigars) is classic tripped out avant grade psychedelica, it’s Ari Gunnarsson’s video for ‘Please Be Blind’ (from Eye.Ai.1) that has me hooked. While it looks like something that you’d find playing over your favorite song at KTV, there’s something utterly fascinating and about the overlapping retro-fitted images that feels like a old 60s French arthouse film crossed over with early 90s era MTV music videos. It ludicrous yet works surprisingly fits well.
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