We\’ve got quite the trio of videos for you to gouge on this week —- gear porn, festival recaps, and an epic trip through the dark and wondrous mind of one of Beijing\’s most fascinating performers. It\’s the latest \’MV Weekly\’ with fresh eye catching cuts from Mengqi, Guiguisuisui, and Split Works\’ Echo Park Festival. Take a look.
There’s no way to describe the strange, twisted mindset which Beijing Gameboy-twirling cape-wearing punk blues freakshow Guiguisuisui resides in. Constantly evolving, the one-man foot stomping crooner has slowly crooned into a fiery love-stricken ‘avante grade opera’ featuring the our zombie bluesmen teaming up with ‘immortal ninja Susu (and that’s not even getting into the various alter-egos and recurring side characters). Their unholy matrimony goes to full fruition in ‘Roll On’. The MV is a brimstone firecracker of a video, full of Guiguisuisui’s iconic imagery and an array of clever camera tricks which highlights the band’s DIY ethos and mythology. Serious talent behind the camera here – and yet again another ace up the sleeve from Guiguisuisui.
China-based concert promotion agency Split Works kicked off the fall season back in September with their latest stab at the festival circuit. Echo Park was a full-blown two day festival featuring a curated lineup of local and international acts that only the folks at Split Works could come up with. Meaning, quality and substance for once. The team has put together a video recapping the event – which includes plenty of concert footage as well as interviews with both attendees and the folks behind the magic. Looks like it was a hell of an event — still kicking myself for missing this one. Fingers crossed, they didn’t lose too much dough this year so we can be fortunate enough to get it again next year.
Electronic music artist, synth maker, programmer and teacher, Mengqi is a man of many talents. And someone whose skillsets have won the artist acclaim far beyond Beijing. Simply put, one of the most talented electronic magicians out there. Yes, magician. Before a workshop down in HK last weekend, Mengqi sat down with HK program E.D. Music Channel for a little chat. Yeah, it’s in Chinese, but if practicing Chinese isn’t on your agenda you can just stare at the array of images of Mengqi’s various toys. Gear porn indeed.
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