Another Monday – another batch of videos to keep you away from those spreadsheets, coding sheets, whatever it is that\’s making you want to claw your eyes out today. Let’s check out the latest visual stimuli from indie noise rockers Carsick Cars, Djang San, Shanghai electronic powerhouses The Horses, and recap of last year’s Dong Dong Festival. Take a look.
Last month, indie noise rocking trio Carsick Cars, who are primed to release their third full length album, 3, at the end of the month, took a little trip over to Paris to take part in the ‘Nuit de Chine au Grand Palais’ which celebrates the partnership of China and France (hat tip to BeijingDaze for that factual nugget) – held in Le Grand Palais, one of the city’s most renowned historic landmarks – the band essentially were able to represent the ‘soft power’ of China, which is pretty damn cool in my opinion. Lots of band banter, angry rehearsals, posh Europeans getting their dance on and usual behind the scenes mumble-jumbo. At least their trip to Jim Morrison;s grave was a success – my trip there was interrupted by an Israeli-Palestinian protest which I deemed at the time a lot more exciting. Oh Paris.
Djang San is simply on a roll with output as of late – releases, music videos, and more – the latest out of the dude\’s cannon is a cute little MV for ‘Shenme Shi’ off of Musical Dumplings is basically just a moving lyric book for the song but hey, ain’t nothing wrong with that. Watch as the artist asks all the big questions in life including ‘What is an animal?’ and ‘What are you?’ Cool song.
Meanwhile down South, The Horses, the tag team electronic duo of Shanghai residents Laura Ingalls and Clement Pony (also know as the Acid Pony Club) are prepping their latest EP entitled My Love and they’ve got a little visual treat to tease you with. It’s the Laura Ingalls version of the title track which they described as ‘darkened gothic take on House Music with pianos inspired by Depeche Mode’. Yeah, this thing was made for the club – silhouettes, some interesting after effects, and a whole lot of atmosphere. Bump it.
Last, someone has compiled a lovely recap of the Dong Dong Festival which you may recall took place early last November to the delight of many – making it look pretty damn successful. Some killers shows, some killer conferences, and some killer talks and shit tons of guanxi getting thrown about. And for the most part it looks like they pulled it off – here’s to hoping more organizations follow suit.
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