LiveChinaMusic Podcast E05 Guest: springiscoming虎啸春 | 2020.11.23

After years of mixtapes, reviews, and gig recaps, Live China Music is finally getting behind the mic for a bimonthly podcast that hopes to explore the latest the music scene has to offer. Join hosts William Griffith and Yilu 伊璐 as they dive into the newest releases, shine a spotlight on emerging bands, and pick their favorite new tracks.

This week on the LiveChinMusic podcast we explore alternative hip-hop with Blood Boi and LATENINE6. We also head down south to the coastal city of Xiamen and the young bands making noise down there – including Kirin Trio and ReJianBeiShaShou. Things get psychedelic with Kunming’s South Acid Mimi Team and Beijing’s Run Run Run. We also check out the exceptional new album from multi-talented producer BowAsWell, and the latest stellar compilation from Merrie Records. And finally, we talked to Beijing’s springiscoming – the young indie rock band that’s been stirring up a storm with audiences across China.
LiveChinaMusic本期电台节目从来自Blood Boi和雷玖陆的两首歌曲探索另类说唱。南下厦门,由Kirin Trio和热键被杀手的两首新发行呈现这座城市正在兴起的噪音。紧接着是来自云南精灵南方酸性咪咪和北京的Run Run Run 为本期增添迷幻色彩。我们从近期以多重角色享誉音乐圈的年轻制作人BowAsWell的首张专辑和美丽唱片依旧出色的秋季合集中选择了两首作为我们对那些大胆与多角度尝试的惺惺相惜。最后,本期采访嘉宾是来自西北的独立摇滚乐队虎啸春。在摩登天空上海的后台,我们与这支以足够真诚的态度追求卓越的年轻人们进行了一段对话。
1. Bloodz Boi 血男孩 (feat. Tohji) – across the sea my dreams are born in silence(Self-released 独立发行)
2. BowAsWell – Headed For The Dawn (MasterMind 主谋)
3. LATENINE6 – 今天我变成了你(Delivery递梨音乐)
4. L.O.B.I. – Shinjuku (Merrie Records美丽唱片)
5. South Acid Mimi – Lucy In The Sky With Dolphin (Ruby Eyes Records 赤瞳音乐)
6. 虎啸春采访 springiscoming Interview
(Mogu Label 蘑菇)
7. Kirin Trio 麒麟三重奏 – 橙子 ( SJ Records 生煎唱片)
8. ReJianBeiShaShou 热键被杀手 – 热键被杀手 (兵马司唱片 Maybe Mars)
9. Run Run Run – Dictated H 引 (兵马司唱片 Maybe Mars
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