Last October, Subtropical Asia was invited by Dafu Records to make a documentary about the legendary Damo Suzuki, former singer of krautrock band Can, and his first ever China tour. During the editing process, everytime we listened to the dialogue with Damo or thought back on every detail of our time with him, we were inspired—we realized that we weren’t only making a documentary related to the tour, but also telling the personal philosophy and lifestyle of Damo Suzuki, a cosmopolitan which has traveled 50 years around the world. In a larger sense, it’s a documentary about new beginnings, creative independence and the magic of being in the present.
On Sunday April 14th, we will be screening the world premiere of ‘Journey: Improvised – Damo Suzuki’s China Tour And Beyond’. Following the screening and a Q&A, they will be performances from an eceltic group of musicans and artists including Viola Yip, a New York-based experimental composer, performer, sound artist and instrument builder; Emily Wong, a choreographer, and contemporary dance improviser ; and guitar demi-god Li Jianhong, whose drone-heavy, shredful, gut-wailing brand of guitar improv is always a wonder to behold.
在两次成功战胜癌症后,CAN乐队前任主唱、Krautrock传奇音乐人Damo Suzuki开启了他的首次中国巡演——“我感觉就像回家了一样,回到一个我两三千年前生活过的地方。”这位日本出生的摇滚巫师如此形容他2018年的中国之旅。
去年十月,Subtropical Asia亚热团队受大福唱片之邀,荣幸跟拍了Damo 的这次中国巡演。影片制作过程中,每每重听与Damo的深度对话、细品与他相处的细节,都会感受到强烈的启发——我们意识到,这并不会是一部简单的仅跟巡演有关的纪录片,它还讲述了Damo Suzuki这个全球游历50载的世界主义者的个人哲学和生活方式,倒不如说,这会是一部关于新的旅程、独立创造性与活在当下相关的纪录片。
Trailer 预告片:
World Premiere
April 14th @ AOTU SPACE (Beijing)
Screening + Impromptu Performance
April 15th – Online World Premiere
Performances 即兴演出表演者:
Viola Yip
A Native of Hong Kong, Viola Yip is a New York-based experimental composer, performer, sound artist and instrument builder. Her recent interests fall on creating her music from instrument building to exploring her composer-performer body as a creative site.
As a composer-performer, her recent work have appeared New York City, Missouri, Chicago, San Diego, Boston, Bowling Green (Ohio), Ithaca, Saratoga Springs, Pittsburgh, Los Angelos, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Belfast, Manchester, Huddersfield, Madeira, Amsterdam, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Berlin and Damrstadt.
Viola will be performing an audiovisual set, using the electric flow and the vibrations of flickering light bulbs as a sound source, and exploring the musical possibilities in the common ground between the vibrations of light and sound.
Emily Wong
一位现于北京工作的自由舞者,舞蹈教师,和编舞。工作包括跟现代舞,舞蹈即兴和接触即兴有关的演出,研究项目和公作坊。她是一位从英国皇家芭蕾舞学院畢业的專业导师。跟随着她对现代舞的兴趣,她在英国University of Chichester取得舞蹈表演的碩士学位,在欧洲跟着学校舞团巡演。在那个时候,她也开始接触了接触即兴。
She is a performer, choreographer, and dance teacher working in Beijing, mainly in the field of contemporary dance, movement improvisation and contact improvisation.She graduated from the Royal Academy of Dance, and continued her dance performance study at the University of Chichester in the UK, where she toured with the postgraduate company in Europe. She was first introduced to contact improvisation during that period.
Her main interests are movement improvisation and the somatic field where practices explore the body-mind relation, and collaborations between art forms. After moving to Beijing, she had performed in theatres, galleries and outdoor spaces both in her creations and works created with others. She also regularly teaches ballet, modern dance and contact improvisation; she also engages in movement related research projects and workshops.
Guitar demi-god Li Jianhong, whose drone-heavy, shredful, gut-wailing brand of guitar improv is always a wonder to behold, who’ll turn his guitar into a perpetual motion machine of sound, swaying his entire body to the layers of noise, making you scream out in delight as he gives a curling vengeful noise sacrifice to the guitar deities above.
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