While DDC doesn’t quite the reputation of being the go-to venue for underground electronic music, there’s something dangerously charming about cutting loose, Bloody Mary in hand, with a intimate crowd of die hard gear heads and electronic music tasters. Without having to please the masses of raging lunatics that reside in Dada (or Lantern for that matter), artists can really go for broke, go off the beaten path, and trail blaze new territory. Definitely the case for the 87fei87 release party, celebrating their latest – Frleep Flormp, a schizoid cracker barrel of fun from Beijing based artist Dub Zen Melodist – ‘untethered bubbly electronica that’s honed in, playful, with the charm and meticulous swagger of a tweaker at the peak of his high’. He was joined from some of the scene’s renegades including some humid, futuristic take on ancestral music from Guzz, a member of the Do Hits! collective, as well as skwee 87Fei87 label runner FLØØØD, and Live Beijing Music’s sound editor, Noise Arcade, who bought a few new tricks to his droned out paradise.
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