Gig Recap: Xiao Wang, Absolute Purity, The Flick (2020.08.15)

Xiao Wang 小王 2020 夏季巡演: XiaoWang 小王, Absolute Purity 绝对纯洁, The Flick 弹簧刀 (NEO Bar 2020.08.15)

There’s something affecting about how a band, particularly one as combustible as Beijing outfit Xiao Wang – a giddy Molotov cocktail of punk, self-respecting hardcore, J-rock, and pop (often referred to as Kawaiicore) – sticks to their DIY roots through thick and thin, refusing to let labels, audiences, and themselves corner them into a box and ‘define’ them. I’ve referred to the band before as ‘lightning in a bottle’ and while that remains truer than ever, there’s a bluntness to their sound and message that simply can’t be contained. 

A cathartic unleashing of high-octane bittersweet yet ferocious songs that strike down with vengeance and at Neo Bar last Saturday night, they did not hold back. Let’s hope to get them back on tour soon enough. 

Support for the evening came in the form of charismatic punk ruffians The Flick and roaring twisted post punk quartet Absolute Purity. And props to Neo Bar – a venue that manages to be a blast each and every time out and one that’s well worth the trek. 

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