White Ink 白墨水, Taco Tuesday, The Flick 弹簧刀 @ Yuyintang 育音堂 2020.08.02

Punk is alive and well in Shanghai. And young as all hell. There’s something invigorating about being amongst a group of young fresh out of college kids sing out their hearts and have a grand ol’ time doing so.

The occasion: local Shanghai trio White Ink, whose madcap alternative punk is scrappy, melodic punk music with its tongue firmly in its cheek (when now of their first songs centers around the line ‘Hey shit, get out of my asshole’ you know you’re in good hands). While members of the band were scheduled to finish out their university years back in America, they’ve been stuck on a never-ending year (keep up the swell work USA). Silver lining, more salacious, pointed, and infectious shows from these three. Did I mention the costume that looks like banana and Pikachu had a entered the telepod together ala The Fly.

The evening also allowed me to check out Taco Tuesday, whose upbeat, frenzied pop punk keeps the energy high even as their songs start to bleed into one another after a while. They’re tight, they’re wiry and seem to be enjoying over second of it – something that’s too often missing in bands these days.

Rounding out the lineup – my second time checking out The Flick (in Yuyintang again to boot) who continue to impress with their white-knuckle, theatrical and rallying tunes feels righteously fun. Seems they’ve expanded to being a four-piece band, so expect more guitar solos in the future.
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