Abrasive, cathartic, and deafeningly loud — Robedoor’s set last Friday night was a hell of an ear-opener. A transcendent assault on the senses that engulfs (drowns) you; a subterranean descent into the mouth of madness, the LA-based duo simply put, knocked it out of the park and gave School Bar a much-needed jolt strangely soothing industrial panic. A drone-heavy orchestral tapestry – and what I imagine Peyote trip does to your psyche. So yeah – pretty good set. Support from MengQi, once again unveiling his deity-form with a mesmerizing set that someone recalled as a ‘UK 90’s dubstep drug comedown’ sonata, and Simon Frank, keeping the vibe dark and twisty with some new wave jams full of zip, snap and jagged edges. Kudos to School Bar for going to the dark side – even for just one night.
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