While a lot of China’s finest music hubs have returned to the routine of hosting gigs and kicking their nightlife Beijing has had to hold off, and for the most part, will continue to do so till the end of May. But last Saturday, patience gig-goers were offered a taste of normalcy with an afternoon rooftop electronic showcase courtesy of the folks at FLOSO. And what a delight it was.

Live music came in the form of prominent electronic artists Wen Liang and MengQi. While it was a pleasure to hear the way Wen Liang’s IDM tendencies interwove seamlessly with his classical chops, I was equally mesmerized to MengQi’s vocal-layering set, evoking everything from Thom Yorke to Four Tet.

The party continued into the early evening with vinyl sets from a variety of characters, including Darcy, Kaize, and FLOSO owner Liu Wei. Watching club-goers relishing every moment of the occasion – while security tried to figure out how to contain their excitement – was a sight to behold.

Damn it feels good to have live music back on the table.
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