Diels-Alder, Flip House – Yuyintang 2021.10.24

Stopped by Yuyintang to catch up with Diels-Alder – the province-spanning emo pop band that’s been quietly working the scene for the past couple years – crafting hook-filled, highly animated, and sincere emo rock tunes and every once in a blue moon hitting the road with its motley crew of misfit toys.

But once again, and even sans a drummer, what sticks out with these cats is how polished and refined their sound is – a testament to both its crisp songwriting, which appeals to the bands pop sensibilities as well as its more elastic, playful emo math rock side, and it’s conviction. In many regards, there’s a band’s band – let’s just hope the good word gets out to the masses soon enough.

Support came in the form of Flip House (I was tardy and missed Flying Games’ set unfortunately) who as per usual brought their A game, and had fans and myself singing gladly along to their melodies.
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