Summer Sunshine – 安定门ADM Master
Speaking of bands who received a boost from last years variety show smash – bask in the pop punk pleasures of Summer Sunshine – think of them as the optimist version of every anti-establishment band out there. Spunky, aerobatic pop punk that’s charismatic and filled with youthful vigor, the band pays tribute to their home turf of Andingmen, Beijing and anyone who ever lived in that area will immediately be transported back. The whole song is a nice ode to the troublemakers who amuck in Beijing.
Gum Bleed 牙龈出血 – Data Rights
From conscious criticism to spiritual cognition to taking action, veteran Beijing punk band has been on a hell of a journey and their newest album Punx Save The Human Race, found the band at their most vulnerable and sincere, finding a melodic potent drive to many of their tracks, including their title track, which gets the tour music video treatment here. Shot at NUTS Livehouse in Chongqing and paired with footage of the band on the road this past spring, it’s a nice ode to the band’s steadfast belief that punk can save mankind, even if its one listener at a time.
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