Getting busy round these parts — lots of acts to see and too little time. However, one band I was dead set on seeing was Shanghai indie stalwarts Duck Fight Goose, who have a habit of redefining themselves just about every year. The latest incarnation of the quartet has just about ditched the band’s signature indie grooves (and guitars) in exchange for some beat-heavy, synth-happy neo jazz that left School Bar a sweaty mess. And while apart of me misses Han Han’s voice, there’s no denying that the new DFG is a heck ton of fun. Very very curious to hear what it’ll all sound like on record. And if that wasn’t enough audiences were treated to the new and improved Alpine Decline, who have any post punk godfather Yang Haisong on bass. A lot more focus on lyrics, less fuzz and buzz, and a meatier Alpine Decline altogether – the band’s new material is ferocious, tender, and melodic as ever. Another 2016 record definitely to look forward to. Check out more photos below.
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